堀 一成 坂尻 彰宏 ホリ カズナリ サカジリ アキヒロ Hori Kazunari Sakajiri Akihiro
大阪大学高等教育研究 (ISSN:21876002)
vol.3, pp.27-32, 2015-03-31

This paper reports recent characteristic approaches in the academic writing education that the authors are carrying out at Osaka University. Academic writing education has been provided at Osaka University, but due to the limited number of classes and instructors, not enough students were able to take those classes. After researching writing education at other universities, the authors attempted some adjustments in April, 2014, to create more opportunities for many students- especially first-year students - to learn academic writing. The authors published a new booklet, its corresponding teachers' manual, and carried out faculty development programs, so that other faculty members can also teach academic writing in their own classes even if they are not in charge of academic writing education.


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