末田 真樹子 堀 一成 久保山 健 坂尻 彰宏 スエダ マキコ ホリ カズナリ クボヤマ タケシ サカジリ アキヒロ Sueda Makiko Hori Kazunari Kuboyama Takeshi Sakajiri Akihiro
大阪大学高等教育研究 (ISSN:21876002)
vol.2, pp.55-60, 2014-03-31

This paper describes the “workshop for report writing” as an example of collaborative work between library staffs, faculty members and teaching assitants, and report on its practice and challenges for the future. In recent years, many university libraries have been working on learning support activities while cooperating with faculty members. In Osaka University Library, we have been working learning support activities such as provision of a place for learning and human supports. For example, workshops with Center for Education in Liberal Arts and Sciences, support for class and cosponsored events with students. Since 2010, Osaka University Library has held workshops to learn academic skills. The “workshop for report writing” is one of them, and it was renewed in 2012, and has the following feature : Co-operation with faculty members, library staffs and teaching assistants. Library staffs give lectures and facilitate group work.
久保山 健 堀 一成 坂尻 彰宏 クボヤマ タケシ ホリ カズナリ サカジリ アキヒロ Kuboyama Takeshi Hori Kazunari Sakajiri Akihiro
大阪大学高等教育研究 (ISSN:21876002)
vol.3, pp.33-43, 2015-03-31

This paper describes a basic lecture on presentation as extracurricular education at the Osaka University Library, and the follow-up surveys to the lecture. Many university libraries in Japan have been working on learning support for years. Osaka University Library and the Center for Education in Liberal Arts and Sciences have been cooperating closely to implement writing support activities as extracurricular education since 2010. In 2011, a lecture on logical speaking was launched. The goal of the lecture was learning basic skills for logical speaking. According to questionnaire survey which was carried out after each class, the lecture seemed quite useful for participants. In 2014, the follow-up surveys were conducted to evaluate how beneficial the lectures proved for the participants. It is understood that the participants gained considerable benefit from the lecture. This paper, firstly offers the details of “Introduction to Presentation: Basic Skills for Logical Speaking,” and then describes the result of the follow-up surveys. The lecture was delivered by the first author of this paper.
島本 英樹 柴田 真志 シマモト ヒデキ シバタ マサシ Shimamoto Hideki Shibata Masashi
大阪大学高等教育研究 (ISSN:21876002)
vol.2, pp.75-82, 2014-03-31

It is well known that adequate sleep is essential for human health. A decline in the quality and total duration of sleep decreases physical activity levels and increases daytime sleepiness, as well as increases the risk of lifestyle-related diseases and depression. This decline has been observed in the Japanese population owing to changes in lifestyle. Moreover, the quality and duration of sleep vary greatly with age. Previous studies have shown that sleep disorders commonly occur in the elderly. However, currently, the number of young individuals experiencing increased daytime sleepiness and sleep disorders is increasing. The quality and duration of sleep is determined by numerous factors. Physical activity is one of the synchronizers of biological rhythm. Therefore, continuing exercise is desirable for health and is essential for good sleep. This study emphasizes the need for further studies on the relationship between sleep and exercise in order to determine factors required for increasing the quality and duration of sleep.
安部(小貫) 有紀子 川嶋 太津夫 山口 和也 南岡 宏樹 妹尾 純子 アベ(オヌキ) ユキコ カワシマ タツオ ヤマグチ カズヤ ミナミオカ ヒロキ セノ ジュンコ Abe(Onuki) Yukiko Kawashima Tastuo Yamaguchi Kazuya Minamioka Hiroki Seno Junko
大阪大学高等教育研究 (ISSN:21876002)
vol.4, pp.35-42, 2016-03-31

The purpose of this paper is to share information about context trends of student learning outcomes A general education assessment is focus on student learning outcomes. It is affected by demand from the federal government and an area accreditation association. An assessment process is a good opportunity for faculty development itself as discussing student learning and an educational philosophy for faculty members each other. The new trend is making a “Rubric” together as part of an assessment process in recent years. Because a “Rubric” is an one of good tools for creating a visualization of an internal assessment criterion in faculty themselves. and education reform in U.S. higher education. 5 members who are faculty and staffs at Osaka University conducted a field survey at 3 U.S. colleges and an association (Association of AmericanCollege & Universities) in March 9-13 2015. Surveyed 3 colleges (Carnegie Melon University (CMU),James Madison University (JMU), University of Maryland) are selected by variety backgrounds. Thispaper is constituted with focus on interviews with key persons at an association and colleges.The learner-centered philosophy since the mid-1980s leaded education reform powerfully in U.S. higher education. It is trends in provision of subject about “a scholarship in practice” in a general education curriculum. 3 colleges work on a student learning outcomes assessment in curriculums. Central management offices in colleges like an institutional research and development of teaching and learning, support assessment activities in each department and programs. It is called “a liaison model” and “a client model.” A general education assessment is focus on student learning outcomes. It is affected by demand from the federal government and an area accreditation association. An assessment process is a good opportunity for faculty development itself as discussing student learning and an educational philosophy for faculty members each other. The new trend is making a “Rubric” together as part of an assessment process in recent years. Because a “Rubric” is an one of good tools for creating a visualization of an internal assessment criterion in faculty themselves.
堀 一成 坂尻 彰宏 ホリ カズナリ サカジリ アキヒロ Hori Kazunari Sakajiri Akihiro
大阪大学高等教育研究 (ISSN:21876002)
vol.3, pp.27-32, 2015-03-31

This paper reports recent characteristic approaches in the academic writing education that the authors are carrying out at Osaka University. Academic writing education has been provided at Osaka University, but due to the limited number of classes and instructors, not enough students were able to take those classes. After researching writing education at other universities, the authors attempted some adjustments in April, 2014, to create more opportunities for many students- especially first-year students - to learn academic writing. The authors published a new booklet, its corresponding teachers' manual, and carried out faculty development programs, so that other faculty members can also teach academic writing in their own classes even if they are not in charge of academic writing education.
大山 牧子 根岸 千悠 山口 和也 オオヤマ マキコ ネギシ チハル ヤマグチ カズヤ Oyama Makiko Negishi Chiharu Yamaguchi Kazuya
大阪大学高等教育研究 (ISSN:21876002)
vol.4, pp.15-24, 2016-03-31

This study aimed to suggest an opinion for the design of a flipped classroom through examining acase study in which the practicality of a flipped classroom in chemistry lessons was studied. In recent years, deep learning for students has become a matter of strong interest for higher education. Flipped learning has become widespread in higher education. This new instructional strategy is different from the ones used in a conventional classroom in which students carry out desk work. In a flipped classroom, instructional content is delivered online and outside the classroom. On the other hand, group work is conducted inside the classroom. This study focused on the use of a flipped classroom in a “Basic Inorganic Chemistry” class for sophomores in Osaka University. It was found that most students were satisfied with this method. Students established their own strategy of self-learning through watching videos and deeply understood the instructional content through mutual teaching and learning in group work. The findings demonstrated that the factors that promote a flipped classroom include designing students’ activities, learning objectives, and learning environment inside and outside of class (both before and after class).
久保山 健 クボヤマ タケシ Kuboyama Takeshi
大阪大学高等教育研究 (ISSN:21876002)
vol.2, pp.61-67, 2014-03-31

Osaka University has been working on improving collaborative learning space on campuses. Osaka University launched the “Global Commons” in the Main Library as new collaborative learning area during November 2012. It aims at enhancing “transcultural communicability” as one of the goals of ‘philosophy on education’ in Osaka University, and implementation of multiple style of learning. Upon preparation of the opening; interviews, questionnaire as well as survey among the students were conducted to reflect learning needs. And now, the “Global Commons” is being used not only for collaborative learning but also workshops, classes and seminars by students and faculty members. This paper, firstly reviews its preparation as well as facilities, and then describes about the educational activities held at the “Global Commons”.