笠井 久会 大沢 秀一 小林 正 吉水 守
日本魚病学会 = Japanese Society of Fish Pathology
魚病研究 (ISSN:0388788X)
vol.37, no.4, pp.199-200, 2002-12

Treatment of supplied water with a high quality ultraviolet (UV) lamp was examined for prevention of scuticociliatosis of farmed juvenile Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). In an examination for the ciliate-cidal effect of UV irradiation, scuticociliates showed low susceptibility to UV compared with fish pathogenic viruses or bacteria, the minimal killing dosage being 2.0 × 10^5 μW・sec/cm^2. UV treatment of supplied water to the tank was performed in a flounder farm in southern Hokkaido, where scuticociliatosis frequently occurred. It was revealed that the UV treatment at 3.0 × 10^5 μW・sec/cm^2 was effective to prevent scuticociliatosis.


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