ガンバット ウスフバヤル 坂爪 浩史
北海道大学農經論叢 (ISSN:03855961)
vol.67, pp.105-112, 2012-03-31

In this paper, we analyzed the development of feed production and the distribution system using Company A, the largest feed production company in Mongolia, as a case study, and clarified the following points. First, an increase in the livestock population due to intensive animal husbandry has led to the enlargement of the demand for animal feed in recent years. Next, although Company A has been trying to produce feed that is appropriate for certain breeds and growth stages, as it was originally founded as a flour miller, it has not been able to produce feed that is appropriate for all types of livestock. However, it is clear that livestock farms cannot depend on imported animal feed, either.


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