Toda Satoshi
Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University
Journal of the graduate school of letters (ISSN:18808832)
vol.14, pp.7-14, 2019-03

The purpose of this paper is to discuss how to understand Hans-Georg Beckʼs interpretation of Byzantium as reflected in his Das byzantinische Jahrtausend. It argues that, although Beck has accomplished remarkable contributions in the field of studies in Byzantine Verfassungsgeschichte and Gesellschaftsgeschichte, his main research interest remained centered, throughout his academic career, on Byzantine theology (and Christianity) as well as on Byzantine literature.


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TODA Satoshi, ”How Should We Understand Hans-Georg Beckʼs Interpretation of Byzantium as Reflected in his Das byzantinische Jahrtausend?”,Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers. https://t.co/cjHkyhz78R

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