羽賀 祥二 HAGA Shozi
名古屋大学文学部研究論集 (ISSN:04694716)
vol.52, pp.65-92, 2006-03-31 (Released:2007-06-15)

A lot of “Meisho-Zue”, a kind of gazetteer depicting and describing a specific area with comprehensive perspective, were published since the second half of the 18th century. They include detailed information of religion, people, history and nature with attached pictures. This paper aims that each gazetteer can be valuable material to understand history of environment in each area covered by the gazetteer. Two gazetteers, “Owari-Meisho-Zue” (completed in 1841) and “Choshu-Zasshi” (edited in the middle of 18th century), are analyzed to survey the history of human relations with nature and environment in Owari province. Through this analysis, the paper explores how Japanese social system copes with series of natural disasters in the 19th century.


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