畝部 俊也 UNEBE Toshiya
名古屋大学文学部研究論集. 哲学 (ISSN:04694716)
vol.57, pp.19-39, 2011-03-31

Śivatāṇḍava-stotra is a Sanskrit hymn of praise to the Lord Śiva in the Hindu religious tradition. It has beenvery popular in India and is famous for its high literary grace. And it is traditionally ascribed to Rāvaṇa, the rivalof Rāma who is the hero of one of the two cerebrated Indian epics, Rāmāyaṇa.This article presents a Japanese translation of this hymn with annotation. The Rāmāyaṇa (chapter 7, section16) narrates the account of how Rāvaṇa became a devotee (bhakta) of Śiva and how he came to sing the hymn tohim. This episode is also translated in this article.The hymn describes many mūrti (forms) of Śiva related to his various mythological episodes. The annotationexplains these related episodes and the visual representations as well.
成瀬 翔 NARUSE Sho
名古屋大学文学部研究論集. 哲学 (ISSN:04694716)
vol.63, pp.61-74, 2017-03-31

John Seale claims that human society are based a special rules: constitutive rules. Constitutive rules have form of ʻX counts as Y in context Cʼ, and are characterized as constituting social facts. For example, bills in the wallet are physically only pieces of paper. However, certain type of paper counts as bills in our society. Seale asserts constitutive rules are foundation to create such a social fact. But, the problem is acts of ʻcounts asʼ. Searle is assumed this act as a primitive concept. In order to explain this act, I will compare the Kendall Walton and Searle, and try to clarify the constitutive rules. The contents of this paper are as follows. In Section 1, I will survey Searleʼs discussion and consider concepts of constitutive rules and social facts. In Section 2, I will introduce Waltonʼs theory of make-believe. In Section 3, I will compare the Searle and Walton, and point out the differences between them.
和田 光弘 WADA Mitsuhiro
名古屋大学文学部研究論集 (ISSN:04694716)
no.61, pp.141-163, 2015

伊藤 伸幸 ITO Nobuyuki
名古屋大学文学部研究論集 (ISSN:04694716)
no.63, pp.47-71, 2017

En Mesoamérica, es común encontrar ejemplos de varias combinaciones de animales representados en el arte prehispánico. Se considera más acertado interpretar la presencia de una criatura sagrada dentro de su contexto cultural, como en la Costa Sur de Mesoamérica, a la cual región cultural pertenecen las Cabezas de Jaguar Estilizado, debido a que hay varios complejos de una amplia gama de este tipo de fauna, representada en forma de una criatura sagrada. El concepto ideológico de la Cabeza de Jaguar Estilizado se ha identificado en el área Occidental de El Salvador. La mayoría de estas esculturas comparte las mismas características, como los ojos huecos, y un objeto saliente en las fauces. Por esta razón, es de esperarse que el Occidente de El Salvador pudo formar una región homogénea en la cual la sociedad compartía una misma ideología del cosmos plasmada por medio del concepto de la Cabeza de Jaguar Estilizado. Por otra parte, en la zona arqueológica de Chalchuapa se mantenía para ese entonces una tecnología de alta calidad y un sistema de escritura estructurado, que también destacaba políticamente en el Occidente de El Salvador, por la presencia del denominado "Altar Tetrápodo" o trono. A través de esta visión de las esculturas que representaron el poder y la ideología, Chalchuapa pudo haber sido la capital del territorio Occidental de El Salvador.
山本 直人 YAMAMOTO Naoto
名古屋大学文学部研究論集. 史学 (ISSN:04694716)
vol.56, pp.59-67, 2010-03-31

Compared chronologically between the cooling periods and the calibrated dates of earthenware typesfrom the late phase of the late Jomon period to the early Yayoi period in the Hokuriku District, it can befound that: (i) the boundary dates (1350 cal BC) between both the cooling period of 1400 to 1350 cal BCand the Inoguchi II /Yokaichi-shimbo types closely correlate to each other; (ii) the boundary date (900cal BC) between the cooling period of 900 cal BC and the Nakaya/Shimono type are also correlated;and, (iii) the boundary dates (800 cal BC) between the cooling period of 850 to 700 cal BC and theShimono/Nagatake type also show a similar correlation. Cooling resulting from decreases in solaroutput seriously affected the livelihood of the Jomon people. I have hypothesized that in the criticalsituation described above, the Jomon people changed the patterns earthenware, patterning tools, andthe positions onto which print/patterns were inscribed as part of their prayers for regeneration; and,consequently that the types of earthenware changed chronologically. However, there are three boundary dates in which no evidence of the occurrence of a cooling periodwas found, despite changes in earthenware types; one is the boundary date (1300 cal BC) between theYokaichi-shimbo type and the Okyoduka type, another is the boundary date (1100 cal BC) between theOkyoduka type and the Nakaya type, and the other is that (600 cal BC) between the Nagatake typeand the Shibayama-demura type. Changes in these earthenware types conceivably resulted from othercauses which are yet to be determined.
成瀬 翔 NARUSE Sho
名古屋大学文学部研究論集 (ISSN:04694716)
no.63, pp.61-74, 2017

John Seale claims that human society are based a special rules: constitutive rules. Constitutive rules have form of ʻX counts as Y in context Cʼ, and are characterized as constituting social facts. For example, bills in the wallet are physically only pieces of paper. However, certain type of paper counts as bills in our society. Seale asserts constitutive rules are foundation to create such a social fact. But, the problem is acts of ʻcounts asʼ. Searle is assumed this act as a primitive concept. In order to explain this act, I will compare the Kendall Walton and Searle, and try to clarify the constitutive rules. The contents of this paper are as follows. In Section 1, I will survey Searleʼs discussion and consider concepts of constitutive rules and social facts. In Section 2, I will introduce Waltonʼs theory of make-believe. In Section 3, I will compare the Searle and Walton, and point out the differences between them.
小川 正廣 OGAWA Masahiro
名古屋大学文学部研究論集. 文学 (ISSN:04694716)
no.61, pp.9-28, 2015-03-31

Since the beginning of the 20th century the Homeric epics have been the main focus of historical discussions on "the Trojan War" in the Mycenaean Age and the actual societies and cultures of the later periods. In this paper I envisage the Iliad as not so much a historical document as a fictional work and propose to make clear the poet's social vision which should have appealed to his contemporary audience near the end of the Dark Age. The literary world of the Iliad, as J. Goold has pointed out, is made up of the four model societies: those of the Greeks at Troy, Troy itself, the gods on Olympus and the Greeks at the age of Homer, of which the last one is described briefly on the Shield of Achilles and in similes. From this general view I proceed to put in the foreground the depiction of the city at war - a secularized and reduced Iliad - on the Shield (Il. l8.509-540) and to look from there into 'the vanishing point' on which the 'parallel lines' of the other three societies should converge in a poetic perspective. At the end of this dynamic structure the victorious Achilles, who insults the defeated Hector's dead body and has become a helpless victim of physical force, is saved from this fatal mechanism of perpetual violence by the divine familial affection and the old king Priam's action of paternal love for his son. And just after the reconciliation, the entire narrative concludes with Hector's funeral which symbolizes the continuation of Troy's social life. Thus Homer seems to show his original view in which the type of his Trojan society, an urban civilization with the great potentialities of mediating social conflicts and resolving mental crises, can repair the grave defects inherent to such an excessively competitive organization as his Greek army and provide good guidance for the people of many emerging city-states of his time.