小堀 馨子
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:2896400)
vol.13, pp.73-86, 1996-03-30

The Augustan Revival refers to the religious policy of the Emperor Augustus who was responsible for restoring traditional religion to his empire. "I restored many traditions of our ancestors" summarizes the intent of his policy, one which promoted the reconstruction of ruined temples, the restoration of moribund rituals, and generated several cults. One such newly established cults of the time was that of Apollo and Mars. Augustus maintained special devotion to Apollo and Mars, and dedicated magnificent temples and splendid ceremonies to each deity throughout his life. There is a deeper meaning of these cults. First, Apollo, who had been a mere god of healing in the republic, was given a new role as protector of peace, justice, law, literature and the arts. Augustus thus used Apollo as a symbol to protect the new world-order over which he ruled. Since Augustus considered Apollo his personal protector, he presented himself as one assisted by Apollo in the restoration of the Golden Age. Second, Mars, too, who had once been, but a god of war and agriculture, was given a new role as avenger to right the unbearable wrongs of the Former order. Augustus used Mars as a symbol to purify a Rome profaned by civil war, and to "restore many traditions of our ancestors" as a means of reestablishing rapport with the gods. Augustus therefore believed that he was standing at a historical turning point, and recognized himself as the creator of a new age. N.B.I, cf. RES GESTAE DIVI AUGUSTI chapter 8.(Loeb No.152 p.359)


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