中川 茂樹 鶴岡 弘 川北 優子 酒井 慎一 平田 直
地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.84, no.2, pp.107-114, 2009

We launched the Special Project for Earthquake Disaster Mitigation in the Metropolitan Tokyo area to obtain high-resolution images of three-dimensional seismic wave velocity and attenuation structures. The core item of this project is a dense seismic array called MeSO-net for making observations in the metropolitan area. MeSO-net consists of 400 seismic stations, from which data are continuously collected at the Data Center at ERI. At the Sub-Center at NIED, data are backed up and integrated with Hi-net data. Seismic data with a sampling rate of 200 Hz are transmitted to the Data Center using ACT protocol. Data from all stations are received at the Data Center at ERI. After checking the quality (including lost packets) of data received, data are automatically processed and archived using the WIN system. This observational network and the Data Center are equipped with several new functions for reliable data transmission and ease of maintenance.


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