降旗 直子 古田 雄一
東京大学大学院教育学研究科教育行政学論叢 (ISSN:13421980)
vol.32, pp.93-112, 2012-10

The purpose of this paper is to clarify how political citizenship education was introduced in Kanagawa Prefecture, and how it was actually carried out in high schools. The findings in our research are as follows. First, political citizenship education was regarded as one of the four major components of citizenship education in Kanagawa, and it was promoted by the advancement of career education, the report published in 2006 by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and the plan for political participation education by the former governor Shigefumi Matsuzawa. Second, there were five approaches that enabled Kanagawa to introduce political citizenship education: 1) the former governor Matsuzawa's intention, 2) outcomes from the practices in pilot schools, 3) cooperation with other organizations, 4) approach that allows each school to make decision about its practice, and 5) approach that avoids problems regarding teachers'presentation of their values. Third, as a result of the fourth approach, the practices in each school varied with the teachers'(or the school's) motivation. In addition, the fifth approach helped schools which wanted to spread the practice throughout the school while it hindered schools from stepping into "politics" including conflicts and oppositions. We finally analyzed the results and issues of the attempt in Kanagawa, and gained some hints to construct a clear philosophy and total system for political citizenship education in Japan.


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政治的シティズンシップ教育実践の導入アプローチとその帰結 : 神奈川県を事例として https://t.co/4Yfix6ntk7 修士時代の共同研究。自分の担当箇所は読みにくいうえ、内容も方法も課題山積でお恥ずかしいですが、主権者教育旋風が吹く中で、今後への踏み台になれば。

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