古田 雄一 Yuichi Furuta
vol.32, no.3, pp.99-112, 2019-03-31

This research note organizes the previous research on school climate, focusing on its effect on youth civic development, mainly based on the U.S. context. Political socialization research, which gives us some theoretical background to understand the relationship between schooling and youth civic development, implies that school influences students’ civic outcome not only through formal curriculum but also through informal/hidden curriculum. Next, various empirical research on school climate is reviewed. Based on the review, I showed that school climate related to civic outcome consists of both classroom-level and schoolwide-level, and its characteristics include general democratic climate and openness to social and political discussion. Such school climate influences students’ civic knowledge, civic disposition, and future social/political participation, and the effects are especially larger for socioeconomically disadvantaged students. Although the effects of school climate alone might be relatively small compared to more direct approach to civic education, we still need further research to investigate how school climate and other civic education initiatives interact each other and influence students’ civic development.
古田 雄一
日本教育政策学会年報 (ISSN:24241474)
vol.30, pp.144-160, 2023 (Released:2023-09-04)

In the U.S., there is a growing trend of using a wide range of indicators to measure the quality of education provided by schools, and “school climate” is attracting attention as one of these indicators. Questionnaire surveys (school climate surveys) of students are often used to measure the school climate. This study investigates the implementation of school climate surveys in the U.S., as well as their potential and challenges, with a focus on student surveys. First, it summarizes the development of school climate surveys and highlights the tendency for school climate to be used to guarantee academic achievement and the different purposes of school climate surveys, such as school improvement and accountability. Next, through a case study of Chicago Public Schools, the study analyzes the actual use of school climate surveys and the challenges associated with a mix of multiple purposes. Finally, the necessity of considering school climate not only as a means of improving educational outcomes but also as a right of students, the importance of focusing on differences in results within schools rather than between schools, and the influence of incorporating the results into an accountability system are discussed. Keywords: School Climate, Student Survey, School Improvement, Accountability, United States
古田 雄一
国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要 = OIU journal of international studies (ISSN:09153586)
vol.35, no.3, pp.97-116, 2022-03-31

" Schools have important roles in preparing students for civic life, and makingthem engage in examining and revising their school rules could be one way tofulfill such a mission. The purpose of this paper is to investigate what studentslearn from participating in reexamination of their school rules and engaging indialogue with diverse stakeholders during the process. The paper utilizes acase of“ Rule-making project” at a Japanese girls’ junior and senior high school,supported by NPO staff and other experts. The project yielded a variety of civic effects. Student members of the projectbecame more confident in conveying their ideas to others and making adifference in their schools. They also deeply understood the value of dialogueand learned the importance of understanding others. In addition, there weresome schoolwide effects on students’ efficacy, trust, and intention of civicengagement. However, there were also some issues and challenges, such as thepower relationship between teachers(or other adults)and students, andinclusion of direrse students in the process."
古田 雄一
日本教育経営学会紀要 (ISSN:02872870)
no.57, pp.110-124, 2015-06-15

Many disadvantaged youth in the United States are suffering not only from an academic achievement gap, but also from a profound civic empowerment gap- a widespread marginalization of those youth from civic engagement. Those who are in the low socioeconomic status are much less likely to be civically or politically engaged. The purpose of this study is to explore the significance and possibility of school-based citizenship education to empower youth in poverty and to overcome the civic empowerment gap. Specifically, a case of an urban school which has implemented Public Achievement is investigated. Public Achievement is a grass-roots, project-based citizenship education program, in which teams of young people discuss and solve problems in schools, neighborhoods, or broader communities. Poor neighborhoods tend to shape a hidden curriculum that instills powerlessness in youth and keeps them away from civic engagement. Schools, on the one hand, may reproduce and reinforce the disempowering hidden curriculum in the surrounding community; by not providing adequate civic learning opportunities, schools would send a message to students that they are not expected as productive citizens. On the other hand, the case in this study also suggests the strong possibility of school-based citizenship education; by providing an authentic civic learning opportunity like Public Achievement, schools may be able to empower students, teachers and community members by showing "the world they have never seen", and thus transform the hidden curriculum. Since most poor neighborhoods have many obstacles and very few resources to combat civic empowerment gap, it is significant that schools in such neighborhoods actively promote school-based citizenship education.
中村 誠宏 寺田 千里 湯浅 浩喜 古田 雄一 高橋 裕樹 藤原 拓也 佐藤 厚子 孫田 敏 伊藤 徳彦
一般社団法人 日本生態学会
保全生態学研究 (ISSN:13424327)
vol.24, no.2, pp.1816, 2019-11-08 (Released:2020-01-13)

北海道中川郡音威子府村から中川町を結ぶ全長 19.0 kmの一般国道 40号音威子府バイパスの建設が 2007年から始まっている。北海道大学中川研究林を通過する区間では、周辺地域のトドマツ及びミズナラ、シナノキ、オヒョウなどが生育する北方針広混交林生態系に対してより影響の少ない管理手法の開発が検討されている。 2010年より検討を開始し、翌年より施工手法や装置の開発、施工対象予定地での事前調査を行った。 2013年に試験施工を行い 2014年よりモニタリングを開始した。本研究では表土ブロック移植に注目して、 1)これまでより安価な表土ブロック移植の簡易工法の開発、 2)すき取り表土と比較して簡易表土ブロック工法が施工初期の草本層植生や土壌動物群集に与える影響、 3)それらの回復について 2014年と 2015年の 8月下旬に調査を行った。本工法では装置開発を最小限にして、一般的に用いられる建設機械を利用したことから、施工費が大幅に削減された。表土ブロック区では在来種の被度がより高かったが、すき取り土区では外来種の被度がより高かったため、植物全体の被度は処理間でそれ程大きな違いはなかった。ヒメジョオンのような 2年生草本の種数はすき取り土区でより多かったが、多年生草本と木本の種数は表土ブロック区でより多かったため、植物全体の種数は表土ブロック区でより多かった。さらに、移植元の植物相との類似度も表土ブロック区でより高くなった。一方、リター層も土壌層も土壌動物の個体数は表土ブロック区でより多く、種数も表土ブロック区でより高かった。リター層を除く土壌層のみ表土ブロック区において移植元の土壌動物相との類似度がより高くなった。本研究の結果から、開発した表土ブロック移植の簡易工法は植物と土壌動物に対して早期の回復効果を持つことが示された。
古田 雄一
vol.33, no.1, pp.69-84, 2019-10-31

The purpose of this study is to investigate and clarify the characteristics of civic education reform in Chicago Public Schools (CPS). CPS, known as one of the largest metropolitan school districts in the U.S., launched school-wide civic education reform throughout the district to tackle with the issue of the “civic empowerment gap.” First, CPS has created its original high-school civics curriculum that would help teachers incorporate students’ lived experiences into the classroom and teach them how to participate in society and make changes in various ways. In addition, CPS provides students with a variety of opportunities to exercise their voices and take actions to make a difference in school, local communities, and wider society, such as service-learning in multiple subjects and “Student Voice Committee” programs. CPS has also added “Student Voice, Engagement and Civic Life” component into its school evaluation framework, which would foster school-wide commitment to civic education.
古田 雄一 Yuichi Furuta
vol.32, no.1, pp.139-155, 2018-10-31

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the possibility of a citizenship education program that integrated a study program in disaster-stricken areas.The paper uses a case of a summer program for high-school students in Fujisawa city, conducted by NPO and local government. The program influenced and empowered the participants in various ways.They gained deeper understanding and awareness of what happened on the day of disaster, as well as the current challenges in disaster-stricken areas. Some of them even started to take actual actions. These changes are significant in terms of youth civic development. There were some keys that triggered these changes: i) encounter with the experiences and challenges of people in disaster-stricken areas, ii) interaction with those who have stood up and take actions to make change, iii) environment that accepts and encourages youth’s voice and action.
降旗 直子 古田 雄一
東京大学大学院教育学研究科教育行政学論叢 (ISSN:13421980)
vol.32, pp.93-112, 2012-10

The purpose of this paper is to clarify how political citizenship education was introduced in Kanagawa Prefecture, and how it was actually carried out in high schools. The findings in our research are as follows. First, political citizenship education was regarded as one of the four major components of citizenship education in Kanagawa, and it was promoted by the advancement of career education, the report published in 2006 by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and the plan for political participation education by the former governor Shigefumi Matsuzawa. Second, there were five approaches that enabled Kanagawa to introduce political citizenship education: 1) the former governor Matsuzawa's intention, 2) outcomes from the practices in pilot schools, 3) cooperation with other organizations, 4) approach that allows each school to make decision about its practice, and 5) approach that avoids problems regarding teachers'presentation of their values. Third, as a result of the fourth approach, the practices in each school varied with the teachers'(or the school's) motivation. In addition, the fifth approach helped schools which wanted to spread the practice throughout the school while it hindered schools from stepping into "politics" including conflicts and oppositions. We finally analyzed the results and issues of the attempt in Kanagawa, and gained some hints to construct a clear philosophy and total system for political citizenship education in Japan.