落合 雪野
東洋文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:05638089)
vol.164, pp.62-98, 2013-12-24

Tea, an aromatic beverage made from the leaves of the tea plant, has been widely accepted as a non-essential grocer y item in the Japanese diet. Furthermore, a variety of herbal tea products, prepared by combining hot water and the leaves, roots, flowers, fruits, or grains of various plant, are now in great demand in the health food and soft drink markets. In this paper I attempted to describe (1) historical changes and the variety of uses of herbal tea in comparing with popularization process of tea-drinking culture in Japan, and (2) the international distribution of ingredients for making herbal teas, based on a case study of a cereal crop of edible Job’ s tears in Laos. The aim of this paper is to discuss the current status of herbal teas, which are used not just for refreshment and healing but also for its health benefits as a complementary and alternative medical practice.


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鹿児島で代用茶として飲まれていたものを、 幾つか挙げておきます。 ↓[PDF]茶外の茶(PDFファイルです) http://repository.dl.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/2261/55649/1/ioc164003.pdf (上記サイトより) ・アキグミ:鹿児島県奄美大島 ・イノモトソウ:鹿児島県市来町 ・エビスグサ:鹿児島県西 ...

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