金沢大学国際機構紀要 = Research Bulletin, Organization of Global Affairs Kanazawa University (ISSN:2434852X)
vol.4, pp.17-30, 2022-03

In this paper, we focus on the habitus of Japanese women as a cultural and social factor explaining why "female participation in the workplace"(女性活躍Josei katsuyaku) has not developed in a positive way. In the process of the modernization and industrialization of Japan, the division of gender roles became widespread. There is a hierarchy called “内助の功”(Naijo no kou), in which women sacrifice their own careers and personal lives to support men.In some new religious movements in Japan, wives are instructed to be subordinate to their husbands. This method has been successful in improving the husbands’ way of life, but it clearly does not promote gender equality. This subordinate behavior can be said to be the habitus of Japanese women.The limitations for women with regard to Josei katsuyaku is that they are constrained by a male perspective that is focused on how to utilize women. It is derived from a male-centered way of thinking that objectifies women and does not include a female perspective. For example, it does not address male participation in unpaid work.


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既婚女性に対して同様の教えが説かれている。】であった。霊友会(や そこから分派した霊友会系教団)は先祖供養や根性なおしといった通俗道徳を教えの 柱とし,戦前から戦後にかけて,多くの既婚女性を信者として獲得した。 https://t.co/DwmaxtShv8

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