金沢大学国際機構紀要 = Research Bulletin, Organization of Global Affairs Kanazawa University (ISSN:2434852X)
vol.4, pp.17-30, 2022-03

In this paper, we focus on the habitus of Japanese women as a cultural and social factor explaining why "female participation in the workplace"(女性活躍Josei katsuyaku) has not developed in a positive way. In the process of the modernization and industrialization of Japan, the division of gender roles became widespread. There is a hierarchy called “内助の功”(Naijo no kou), in which women sacrifice their own careers and personal lives to support men.In some new religious movements in Japan, wives are instructed to be subordinate to their husbands. This method has been successful in improving the husbands’ way of life, but it clearly does not promote gender equality. This subordinate behavior can be said to be the habitus of Japanese women.The limitations for women with regard to Josei katsuyaku is that they are constrained by a male perspective that is focused on how to utilize women. It is derived from a male-centered way of thinking that objectifies women and does not include a female perspective. For example, it does not address male participation in unpaid work.
志村 恵 Shimura Megumi
金沢大学国際機構紀要 = Research Bulletin, Organization of Global Affairs Kanazawa University (ISSN:2434852X)
vol.3, pp.25-38, 2021-03

ドイツでは統合コース(Integrationskurs)(語学コース(Sprachkurs)と社会・政治・歴史・文化についてのオリエンテーションコース(Orientierungskurs)から成る)を実施している。このオリエンテーションコースは,規定(Verordnung über die Durchführung von Integrationskursen für Ausländer und Spätaussiedler)やカリキュラム(Curriculum für einen bundesweiten Orientierungskurs)に基づいて作られた認定教科書を使って「, ドイツの国家体制についての理解を呼び覚ます」「ドイツについての肯定的評価を涵養する」「居住者や市民としての権利や義務についての知識を伝える」「自分で情報を得ていく能力を形成する」「社会生活に関与していく能力を形成する」「異文化理解の能力を獲得する」ことなどを目的として実施されている。 本論文では,オリエンテーションコースの教科書と日本の外国人技能実習生用の『日本の生活案内』(Guide to Life in Japan)を比較することで,オリエンテーションコースの特徴を際立たせたい。こうした社会・政治・歴史・文化への理解と多文化への寛容を養成するドイツを含む各国の取り組みは,今後定住外国人市民が増大すると思われている日本においても,われわれに大きな示唆を示している。
南 コニー MINAMI Connie
金沢大学国際機構紀要 = Research Bulletin, Organization of Global Affairs Kanazawa University (ISSN:2434852X)
vol.4, pp.61-73, 2022-03

Iceland, which has been ranked number one in The Global Gender Gap Report published by the World Economic Forum for more than 10 years in a row, is known as the country with the smallest gender gap in the world. In order for Japanese society to approach gender equality like Iceland; (1) A policy program that promotes improvement in the short term and an index that can confirm the progress should be introduced.(2) Simply addressing the cause of inequality on the side of social customs and in relation to men does not lead to a solution to the problem.( 3) Women must also act with a strong awareness that their social participation plays an important role in improving the community and supporting its survival.The above points became clear from an analysis of the Icelandic government's policies and social movements to reduce the wage gap between men and women.