鈴木 啓悦 山西 友典 井坂 茂夫 安田 耕作 島崎 淳 更科 広実
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.38, no.3, pp.337-341, 1992-03

A 20-year-old man was admitted on February 2, 1990 with the chief complaint of pollakisuria, miction pain and macrohematuria. Urinalysis revealed numerous leukocytes and Enterobacter was identified by urine culture. Cystoscopy revealed an edematous region. Contrast film of small intestines demonstrated vesicoileal fistula. Judging from these and the radiographic findings, we made the diagnosis of vesicoileal fistula with Crohn's disease. After medical therapy between February 22 and May 25, urinalysis became normal and we assumed that the fistula had closed. Now, it is about a year since the therapy began, the patient remains well, without urinary and enteric symptoms. Cystoscopy and urinalysis did not reveal recurrence of the fistula. Despite previous reports that vesicoenteric fistulas complicating Crohn's disease require surgical treatment, this case responded to medication, and required no surgical treatment. This case is a reminder of the importance of the principle of therapy.


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2014年4月8日 山中克郎教授による教育症例カンファレンス 診断推論:病歴から診断を絞り込む;8割が診断可能 鑑別診断を考える 「腹痛のため学校を休みがち――」 患者: 16歳、女性 主訴:下痢と腹痛 現病歴: 1年3か月前より微熱 Max 38.8度 1年2か月前から1日数回の粘液の混ざった下痢と腹痛。総合病院に入院し、抗菌薬(AZM+CTRX)にて症状が軽快したため退院となった。 しかし ...

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