竹内 一真
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.58, pp.383-395, 2012-04-27

This study was preformed to clarify what types of studies are needed to teach experience. Previous studies were investigated from the viewpoint of life-span development related to teaching experience. It is an important issue how experience of expert teaches. For example, successors are getting decrease in traditional arts or crafts because of low birthrate or urbanization. Especially this study focuses on the generativity, which Erikson has proposed at "Childhood and Society". Previous studies focused on two points. Firstly, the frame of study for generativity focused on the individual life cycle. Secondly, the research issues have focused on well-being and parenthood. So, there have been few studies about relationship between generations in education. However, a new frame of study has emerged. Yamada proposed the Generative Life Cycle Model which takes life as situated among generations. This model is effective for taking to teach experience, but there are few studies using this model. So in the future we need to use this model to the issue of teaching experience.


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innovative (generativity/fluency) としてあるから、generativityはhttp://t.co/y15S3cr5Ioのp.5にある様な「新しいし存在や新しい製作物や新しい観念を生み出すことを表していると位置づけている。」に近いか?

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