竹内 一真
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
no.59, pp.625-637, 2013

This study was performed to investigate the relationships of individual skills and narrative between former and future generations by Denshosha especially focusing on Legitimate Peripheral Participation (LPP). For this purpose, this study investigated how a master of a traditional performing art interprets their skills in the relationship among generations from narratives of the master. Two steps were taken in approaching an individual situated among generations. First, we clarified what the master teaches his pupil. Then, we analyzed the narratives to determine the master's interpretation. In the process of watching and interviewing, a master of a traditional performing art presented not only his experience of developing skills and his interpretation of the meaning of skills but also his way of handing skills on to the next generation. The results are shown in a matrix of three categories of skills and three phases of narratives. The details appeared in the matrix were interpreted by considering "gaps between generations" and "manners for changing." Denshosha would not only bring skills between generations but also inherit manners or values by interpreting the combinations of individual skills.
竹内 一真
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
no.57, pp.407-419, 2011

This study clarifies how the technical skills of expert are studied. Such skills of expert have been extensive studied from anthropology and folklore to pedagogy and business administration. But the approach, or the background, to these skills is very common. This study focuses on the common approach to the skill. Especially Legistimate Peripheral Participation (LPP) (Lave & Wenger, 1991) is unique and is used widely. This study shows how technical skill has been studied before and after LPP. Preceding it, technical skills were considered studies by cognitive scientists, especially researcher, in regard to expert systems. Cognitive scientists have tried making an expert machine mainly to use for interviews with experts. But experts can't talk about their skills a lot. Experts practice actual interacting with the environment, not merely thinking about it. On the other hand, LPP has off ered a new perspective to "learning" by clarifying how learners participate in the "community of practice." Under this approach, learners become masters through participation into the community. In LPP, learners develop to interact with the environment, with artifacts and with other persons. After LPP, some research remains to be focused on teachers, not on the learners in community of practice.
竹内 一真
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.59, pp.625-637, 2013-03-28

This study was performed to investigate the relationships of individual skills and narrative between former and future generations by Denshosha especially focusing on Legitimate Peripheral Participation (LPP). For this purpose, this study investigated how a master of a traditional performing art interprets their skills in the relationship among generations from narratives of the master. Two steps were taken in approaching an individual situated among generations. First, we clarified what the master teaches his pupil. Then, we analyzed the narratives to determine the master's interpretation. In the process of watching and interviewing, a master of a traditional performing art presented not only his experience of developing skills and his interpretation of the meaning of skills but also his way of handing skills on to the next generation. The results are shown in a matrix of three categories of skills and three phases of narratives. The details appeared in the matrix were interpreted by considering "gaps between generations" and "manners for changing." Denshosha would not only bring skills between generations but also inherit manners or values by interpreting the combinations of individual skills.
竹内 一真
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
no.58, pp.383-395, 2012

This study was preformed to clarify what types of studies are needed to teach experience. Previous studies were investigated from the viewpoint of life-span development related to teaching experience. It is an important issue how experience of expert teaches. For example, successors are getting decrease in traditional arts or crafts because of low birthrate or urbanization. Especially this study focuses on the generativity, which Erikson has proposed at "Childhood and Society". Previous studies focused on two points. Firstly, the frame of study for generativity focused on the individual life cycle. Secondly, the research issues have focused on well-being and parenthood. So, there have been few studies about relationship between generations in education. However, a new frame of study has emerged. Yamada proposed the Generative Life Cycle Model which takes life as situated among generations. This model is effective for taking to teach experience, but there are few studies using this model. So in the future we need to use this model to the issue of teaching experience.
竹内 一真
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.58, pp.383-395, 2012-04-27

This study was preformed to clarify what types of studies are needed to teach experience. Previous studies were investigated from the viewpoint of life-span development related to teaching experience. It is an important issue how experience of expert teaches. For example, successors are getting decrease in traditional arts or crafts because of low birthrate or urbanization. Especially this study focuses on the generativity, which Erikson has proposed at "Childhood and Society". Previous studies focused on two points. Firstly, the frame of study for generativity focused on the individual life cycle. Secondly, the research issues have focused on well-being and parenthood. So, there have been few studies about relationship between generations in education. However, a new frame of study has emerged. Yamada proposed the Generative Life Cycle Model which takes life as situated among generations. This model is effective for taking to teach experience, but there are few studies using this model. So in the future we need to use this model to the issue of teaching experience.
竹内 一真
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.57, pp.407-419, 2011-04-25

This study clarifies how the technical skills of expert are studied. Such skills of expert have been extensive studied from anthropology and folklore to pedagogy and business administration. But the approach, or the background, to these skills is very common. This study focuses on the common approach to the skill. Especially Legistimate Peripheral Participation (LPP) (Lave & Wenger, 1991) is unique and is used widely. This study shows how technical skill has been studied before and after LPP. Preceding it, technical skills were considered studies by cognitive scientists, especially researcher, in regard to expert systems. Cognitive scientists have tried making an expert machine mainly to use for interviews with experts. But experts can’t talk about their skills a lot. Experts practice actual interacting with the environment, not merely thinking about it. On the other hand, LPP has off ered a new perspective to “learning” by clarifying how learners participate in the “community of practice.” Under this approach, learners become masters through participation into the community. In LPP, learners develop to interact with the environment, with artifacts and with other persons. After LPP, some research remains to be focused on teachers, not on the learners in community of practice.
山本 明 安部 航 泉 康介 板崎 輝 大宮 英紀 折戸 玲子 熊沢 輝之 坂井 賢一 志風 義明 篠田 遼子 鈴木 純一 高杉 佳幸 竹内 一真 谷崎 圭裕 田中 賢一 谷口 敬 西村 純 野崎 光昭 灰野 禎一 長谷川 雅也 福家 英之 堀越 篤 槙田 康博 松川 陽介 松田 晋弥 松本 賢治 山上 隆正 大和 一洋 吉田 哲也 吉村 浩司 Mitchell John W. Hams Thomas Kim Ki-Chun Lee Moohyung Moiseev Alexander A. Myers Zachary D. Ormes Jonathan F. Sasaki Makoto Seo Eun-Suk Streitmatter Robert E. Thakur Neeharika
宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発報告 (ISSN:13491113)
vol.7, pp.81-96, 2008-02

本研究は,南極周回超伝導スペクトロメータによる宇宙線観測(BESS-Polar 実験)を通して,『宇宙起源反粒子,反物質の精密探査』を目的としている.地球磁極領域に降り注ぐ低エネルギー宇宙線に注目し,反陽子スペクトルを精密に測定して,衝突(二次)起源反陽子流束の理解を深めるとともに,『原始ブラックホール(PBH)の蒸発』,『超対称性粒子・ニュートラリーノの対消滅』等,初期宇宙における素粒子現象の痕跡となる『宇宙(一次)起源反粒子』を精密探査する.反ヘリウムの直接探査を通して,宇宙における物質・反物質の存在の非対称性を検証する.同時に陽子,ヘリウム流束を精密に観測し,これまでのカナダでの観測(BESS実験,1993-2002)の結果と合わせて,太陽活動変調とその電荷依存性について系統的に観測し,宇宙線の伝播,相互作用に関する基礎データを提供する.本研究では,これまでのBESS 実験で培われた超伝導スペクトロメータによる宇宙線観測の経験をもとに,低エネルギー領域での観測感度を高め,南極周回長時間飛翔を可能とする超伝導スペクトロメータを新たに開発した.2004年12月13日,南極(米国,マクマード基地)での観測気球打ち上げ,高度37km での9日間に及ぶ南極周回飛翔に成功し,9億イベントの宇宙線観測データを収集した.運動エネルギー0.1〜1.3GeV の範囲に於いて,これまでの約4倍の統計量でエネルギースペクトルを決定した.結果は,衝突(二次)起源モデルとよく整合し,一次起源反陽子の兆候は観測されていない.太陽活動が極小期にむけた過渡期にあたる2004年の観測として予想に沿った結果を得た.反ヘリウム探索は,これまでのヘリウム観測の総統計量を2倍以上に高め,反ヘリウム/ヘリウム比の上限値を2.7×10^<-7>にまで押し下げた.本報告では,BESS-Polar(2004年)の成果を纏め,次期太陽活動極小期(2007年)における第二回南極周回気球実験計画を述べる.