岡崎 宏樹
京都社会学年報 : KJS = Kyoto journal of sociology
vol.6, pp.1-21, 1998-12-25

Confronted with so shocking a event which gives too extraordinarily intense impression, one will lose self-control. Such experience, sometimes so delightful, sometimes so sorrowful, can change one's personalty fundamentally. What does the shock bring about? How does the experience of the shock have its overwhelming influence on a person? Where is the person whom the shock left its mark on destined to go? In order to throw light on these questions, I would like to examine the phenomenon called psychological trauma. It is not the aim of this paper to define the trauma or to examine many psychotherapies which are designed to remend it, but to examine how traumatic events occur just to get some clues to an understanding of extraordinarily intense experiences, where one may find some suggestive conclusion for sociological studies. For this purpose Sigmund Freud's Project For a Scientific Psychology is, which tries to explain all the psychological phenomena with its original neuron theory, is examined. It seems to give us no less remarkable theory to understand psychological trauma than his later writings. In fact Project itself does not refer to the trauma. Nevertheless the concept of Pain in Project seems to be full of suggestions if we regard it as one that means the traumatic event. For instance it shows that the peak of Pain namely the moment when such events are the most intense cannot be memorized in normal way. It implies the impossibility of the complete recovery which psychotherapy that attaches great importance to remembrance of traumatic experience supposes to attain. Project model can explain the reason. It also shows that the anxiety which derived from experience of Pain can establish the system of ego. In the second part of this article, what the phenomenon called recovery from trauma means will be considered, by examining, from the standpoint of the neuron theory of Project, the play of a child who experienced traumatic situation. In the study of the trauma we find many sorts of repetition. The dreams of those suffering traumatic neurosis repeat the same scene of traumatic situations. Those patients sometimes repeat the same traumatic situation as they had experienced before in the actual stuation: it is called acting-out. While, the child repeats the play which seems to express the traumatic situation. I will examine the different levels of these repetitions and show the significance of creative repetition of the play of the child, which seems to imply the possibility of impossibile recovery.


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衝撃と反復 : フロイトによる心的外傷の考察:https://t.co/iWICfUGKlj New Directions in Child Abuse and Neglect Research. https://t.co/DsvoL4Ynhm 幻覚の客観性 https://t.co/jqcKbKtJAg ドーパミン神経伝達異常と認知機能障害の研究 https://t.co/15mToTz9ly 参考したやつの一部。一部名前省略

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