加賀爪 優
農業計算学研究 (ISSN:02859637)
vol.24, pp.133-142, 1992-03-10

The purpose of this paper is to build the econometric model which can be used for predicting the future quantity of the methane CH4 emitted from the world rice growing and to investigate the preventing measures for the global warming. The carbon dioxide is the major green house effect gas in terms of the density in the air but it is said that the potential of the methane to cause the global warming is much larger than the carbon dioxide. In the case of carbon dioxide, the quantity of CO2 absorbed in the process of photosynthesys of the plants is almost offset by the quantity emitted through their burning. In this regards, the agricultural activities have more to do with the emission of the methane. In this paper, the aspects of the methane emission through the rice growing in the world are focussed on. The result of the econometric analysis on the global warming through the agricultural activities shows that the quantity of the methane CH4 emitted from the rice growing will be 0.12 billion tons in 1995 and 0.17 billion tons in 2080. This would be 20%-36% of the total quantity of the methane emitted by all sources in the earth. It is pointed out that the southeast asia emits the most methane and the second largest area is the centrally planned Asia. The increase rate of the methane quantity emitted in Africa is the largest in the world although the quantity of methane emitted is still very low at the moment.


Yahoo!知恵袋 (1 users, 2 posts)

菜食は、CO2の20倍以上も温室効果を持つメタンを大量に排出して、温暖化が進みます。 農業区分から排出されるメタンは、畜産区分排出の2倍以上。 もしも食料を全て農作物にした場合、とんでもない環境破壊を招く。 参考 http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q1329442478 農業区分から排出される大量のメタンは、この ...
菜食に関する調査結果では、健康を害する懸念や警告をする結果が多いです。 「環境にやさしい・温室効果を抑制する」と主張する菜食者・ベジタリアンも良く見かけますが嘘や捏造です。 実は、農業区分から排出される温室効果ガス(メタン)は、畜産区分排出の2倍以上。 もしも食料を全て農作物にした場合、とんでもない環境破壊を招く。 参考 http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.c ...

Wikipedia (1 pages, 4 posts, 4 contributors)

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