朴 永梅
京都大学言語学研究 (ISSN:13497804)
vol.20, pp.171-193, 2001-12-24

Approximately a million Koreans reside in the Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture in Yanbian, China. Based primarily on the observation made in the capital city Yanji (of Yanbian), I attempt to describe the local Korean accent system synchronically, and clarify the following points at issue in this paper. 1. Yanbian Korean is a pitch-accent language. The total number of phonological accent patterns for any noun of n syllables is equal to n+1, but the number of phonetic pitch patterns for any noun of n syllables is equal to n, for phonologically unaccented pattern ○ ...○○ and rightmost accented pattern ○...○○ are realized as the same phonetic pitch pattern as L...LH. 2. The rightmost accented pattern ○...○○ is the default one in Yanbian Korean. 3. The accent of the compound noun is predominated by the rightmost elements. That is to say, only the accent of rightmost element is maintained, while those of all the others are deleted. 4. What is possible to say is that the accents of simple word and compound noun are predominated by the same accent law.


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@sho3unsk 咸鏡道のデータは難しいですね *脱北者の音声を資料にする 音声研究(2001) 韓国語のアクセント 福井玲 一部触れている https://t.co/pP6ZqOBbKQ 京都大学言語学研究 (2001) 延辺朝鮮語のアクセントに関する考察 朴永梅 延辺方言は咸鏡道方言と近い、こちらの資料は多い https://t.co/HQgxfwyYgW

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