柴原 直樹
vol.7, no.1, pp.1-11, 2006-06-15

A great Greek philosopher, Aristotle once said that laughing is a nature of human beings. Since then, agreat number of scholars such as philosophers, linguists, psychologists, literati, and writers have tried toexamine the mechanisms of laughter from their unique viewpoints, although a satisfactory explanation of thecause of laughter has not yet been made. In this paper, I first presented the classification of laughing intoseveral types such as a pleasurable laughter, a social smile, and so on, from phylogenetic and ontogeneticperspectives. Then, I overviewed various interpretations of the cause of laughter from philosophical,linguistic, and psychoanalytic viewpoints, presenting concrete examples of wit, humors and jokes,whichleads to an investigation of how and why people could laugh. Finally, the mechanisms of a smile andlaughter an a physiological level were discussed in terms of the brain systems and its relation to facialexpressions.


Twitter (11 users, 11 posts, 6 favorites)

と思ったらガチの論文あった。 笑いのメカニズムとは? https://t.co/5WqiNLts25
@tos 笑いの発生メカニズム 心理 https://t.co/27xaDLxhcY
不随意の笑いについての最近の研究を調査していたのだけど小此木敬吾先生の1980年の論って最近になって海外で論文出てるのね ・随意と不随意で脳のネットワークが違う ・目の周りの筋肉は意思で動かせない 「笑いの発生メカニズム」 柴原直樹 https://t.co/MVBqKdvd7x https://t.co/E1osLGofUh
1 1 https://t.co/AdnwMAJGy0
芸術学の勉強に使えそうな論文拾ったので置いときますね https://t.co/ZPiDzubqva

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