柴原 直樹
vol.8, no.1, pp.43-51, 2007-06-01

Since the clinical report of erythrophobia by Morita, a great number of psychiatrists aswell as psychologists have focused their attention on anthropophobia named taijin-kyoufushoin Japan. This syndrome is a culturally distinct phobia in japan and included in the officialJapanese diagnostic system for mental disorders. Its symptom is characterized as an individual'sintense fear or shame that his or her appearance, facial expression, eyeshot, or odor shoulddisplease, embarrass, or be offensive to other people. In this paper, I first presented thedefinition of taijin-kyoufusho and then its classification proposed by several researchers. Next,I overviewed various interpretations of the mechanisms of this phobia from psychodynamicviewpoints. Finally, I referred to the current problems of the phobia.


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村一番の韓国博士君へ ■日本人の3分の1は日本語が読めない!? 量産される「AI未満人材」 2019.10.25 https://t.co/7DjfOxxJtH ■DSM-IVの付録Ⅰでは、対人恐怖症を日本における文化特異的な恐怖症と述べ、その英語表記を“taijin kyoufushou”としている。(44頁の注) https://t.co/hY2bPX3t1m https://t.co/UAkCVGMhyH
@AARKdbWeK7hQeCV @Number_2019 @pchanMF @sktym @twstament2338 @sMOzMz9aTGijpcA @kappa_koubou @gm8936 DSM-IV(Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition,1994)の付録Ⅰでは、対人恐怖症を日本における文化特異的な恐怖症と述べ、その英語表記を“taijin kyoufushou”としている。(44頁の注) https://t.co/hY2bPWLjNe

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