稲田 圭祐
和光経済 = Wako Keizai (ISSN:02865866)
vol.54, no.2.3, pp.1-8, 2022-03

Evidence-based policy making( EBPM) has been introduced to Central Government of Japan. This paper summarizes and evaluates its current status it focuses on logic model. In the medical field, Randomized Control Trail( RCT) was developed to improve the quality of Evidence-based-Medicine( EBM). It seems to be pioneer of EBPM. But the development of policy making by the evidence in public sector originates from the principles of performance management, PPBS and NPM etc. We review the practices learned from EBPM in leading countries such as US and UK. Finally, I show that the controversy surrounding Japan’s EBPM continues to dominate policy debate about contested issues.


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