川瀬 正樹 カワセ マサキ Kawase Masaki
vol.43, no.2, pp.165-187, 2003-02-28

The purpose of this study is to review gender studies in Japanese human geography, focusing mainly on studies of women's employment and commuting. First, I examine gender differences and regional differences in employment. I point out that, while women's employment rates are high in urban region compared with rural region, the white-collar worker's ratio are high in urban region. In other words, two variables show negative coefficients. Regional differences in men's employment rates, however, originate in regional characteristics or regional culture. Next, I explain that women's employment has been approached through analysis of regional labor markets in Japanese economic geography. Moreover, while referencing Anglophone literatures, I argue that gender difference in life actions has been mentioned in commuting studies and time geography. I point out that the average commuting time of unmarried women is longer than unmarried men in urban regions. Finally, I predict how the future of gender studies will progress in Japanese human geography, considering the development of feminist geography and the increase of gender studies outside of the field of employment in recent years. In the future I expect that the notion of gender will establish itself as an important issue and will be discussed more frequently within the discipline of Japanese human geography.


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通勤行動は男女差が大きく、その差は社会的経済地位とも深く関わっている 川瀬 正樹「日本の人文地理学におけるジェンダー研究の展望 : 女性就業と通勤行動に関する研究を中心に」 https://t.co/JlCI4pebPL https://t.co/6DpqIsslql

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