小寺 敦之
人文・社会科学論集 = Toyo Eiwa Journal of the humanities and social science (ISSN:09157794)
vol.31, pp.29-46, 2014-03

As Internet use has proliferated worldwide, maladaptive patterns or negative impacts of Internet use, so-called Internet addiction, have been increasingly reported. This study critically reviewed literature and discussed some problems regarding the study of Internet addiction. Development of Internet addiction research and criticism of this subjectindicates that the research to date on Internet addiction 1) has no heoretical background, 2) lacks valid measurement, 3) may have resented misleading causal relationships, 4) has restricted research with a psychiatric paradigm, and 5) has been debated on the presumption that the Internet has brought negative consequences. IfInternet addiction truly exists, researchers must respond to these problems.


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「インターネット依存」研究の展開とその問題点 https://t.co/L8DnZE9501
この記事すげえな。 小寺敦之(2013). 「インターネット依存」研究の展開とその問題点 人文・社会科学論集,31,29-46 で「薬物依存などの物質依存とネット・ギャンブルなどの依存は違う」って言ってんのに平然と同一視しやがる。 問題記事 https://t.co/XPveV8BxYA 引用論文 https://t.co/5aFgIxO5Sh https://t.co/DBY5UOU1Sr

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