中澤 弥子 鈴木 和江 小木曽 加奈 吉岡 由美
長野県短期大学紀要 = Journal of Nagano Prefectural College (ISSN:02861178)
vol.63, pp.25-31, 2008-12

Saku Carp which grows in clean and cold rivers is characterized by a firm body and a week odor. Saku Carp has been eaten throughout Nagano prefecture. In this study, characteristics of Saku Carp sashimi were measured for smell, taste and texture using an organoleptic test and instrumental analysis. For this study, a carp from Fukushima and a Saku Carp were compared. A sashimi piece of about 3 millimeters thickness was used in the organoleptic test. The organoleptic test was conducted by 41 junior college students and teachers evaluating appearance, taste and texture. A 3 millimeter thick piece of dorsal meat was used for the physical property measurement. The physical property measurement used a cylindrical plunger of a diameter of 3 millimeters using a creep meter (Yamaden RE-330005). In evaluations of appearance, the carp from Fukushima was more transparent and smooth than the Saku Carp. In an evaluation of taste, the umami of the Saku Carp was weaker than the carp from Fukushima. In an evaluation of odor, significant difference was not recognized. In the instrumental analysis, the Saku Carp was found to be more firm than the carp from Fukushima. This finding agrees with local opinion and advertising claims.


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