古田 雄一
vol.33, no.1, pp.69-84, 2019-10-31

The purpose of this study is to investigate and clarify the characteristics of civic education reform in Chicago Public Schools (CPS). CPS, known as one of the largest metropolitan school districts in the U.S., launched school-wide civic education reform throughout the district to tackle with the issue of the “civic empowerment gap.” First, CPS has created its original high-school civics curriculum that would help teachers incorporate students’ lived experiences into the classroom and teach them how to participate in society and make changes in various ways. In addition, CPS provides students with a variety of opportunities to exercise their voices and take actions to make a difference in school, local communities, and wider society, such as service-learning in multiple subjects and “Student Voice Committee” programs. CPS has also added “Student Voice, Engagement and Civic Life” component into its school evaluation framework, which would foster school-wide commitment to civic education.


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米国イリノイ州シカゴ学区の市民性教育改革の方法と特質―格差是正に向けた学校全体での市民性教育実践の先駆的事例― https://t.co/nUWR2yPgsa 学内紀要に掲載されました。低所得層やマイノリティの子どもが多数を占める学区で、学校全体でシティズンシップ教育を推進する挑戦についての論考第1弾です。

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