ヴィータ シルヴィオ
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of National Institure of Japanese Literature Archival Studies (ISSN:18802249)
no.12, pp.149-169, 2016-03-14

サレジオ会宣教師マリオ・マレガ(1902 ~ 1978)に関する先行研究によって、同氏の伝記や関連情報などは多少明らかにされたが、現バチカン図書館所蔵文書群の成立についてはまだまだ不明な部分が多い。それを踏まえ、1920 〜 1940 年代におけるサレジオ会の来日と、宮崎・大分付近での初期活動を歴史的背景に、大分時代(1932 〜 1949)のマレガの言動を分析する。彼はキリシタン遺跡(主として墓)を調査する傍ら、布教地の歴史に関わる文献資料を15 年ほどかけて意欲的に集めた。入手経路として古書店と古物屋からの二つの筋があったようで、文書発見経緯についての記述によると、個別に手に入れた史料のほか、まとまって得られたものもあったと考えられる。1950 年代初期までその文書の研究も続けるが、調査・研究を行う際、地元で複数の協力者の力を借りた。彼が集めた文書が1953 年の夏ごろにローマに送られる時点に完結したものを、マレガ・コレクションと位置付けることができる。Previous research on the Salesian missionary Mario Marega (1902-1978) has shed some light upon his biography and other information on him. However, many details on how the collection of ancient documents now in the Vatican Library was put together still remain not sufficiently elucidated. For this reason, I first try to present here an analysis of Marega’s activities during the period he spent in Oita (1932-1949). This is carried out against the historical background of the Salesian Mission to Japan in its early years, after the arrival of the first missionaries to Japan and their subsequent efforts to settle down in the local society around Miyazaki and Oita. Within such a context, over a span of about fifteen years, Father Marega eagerly collected documents on the history of his missionary territory, while also engaging in surveys of the material remains (mainly graves) of earlier Christians from the same area. Apparently, he obtained the documents through two different channels, old-books dealers and old-curios or antique shops. In some cases their acquisition was made as individual items or small groups of records. However, according to accounts by Marega himself and other sources, another sizeable group was likely the result of one single “discovery”.Marega continued to study the documents until the early 1950s, also thanks to a network of people who helped him to find them first and eventually interpret their contents. In the light of these circumstances, and with no traces of later accessions, the early summer of 1953, when the group of documents was sent to Rome, is definitely to consider as the terminus ad quem for the formation of the collection.


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編集者: ベアトリス
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