後藤 致人
岩手県立大学盛岡短期大学部研究論集 = Bulletin of Morioka Junior College Iwate Prefectural University (ISSN:13489720)
vol.2, pp.57-68, 2000-03-26

Although it is generally said that the Emperor Showa did not engage in politics in the post-World War II period, this widespread view is grounded not on the verification of the actual political form but on the argument which derives from an interpretation of the Constitution of Japan. In recent years several important records and diaries have been published, for example The Diary of Mamoru Shigemitsu, The Diary of Hitoshi Ashida, The Diary of Eisaku Sato and The Diary of Sukemasa Irie. These writers were at the center of the postwar politics. In this paper, using the documents cited above I demonstrated that both "naiso" and "gokamon" were frequent between the Emperor and the cabinet even in the postwar period. Based on this demonstration, I considered the following: 1) why "naiso" and "gokamon" were able to continue in the postwar politics, given the Emperor's intervention in politics, and 2) how they influenced the postwar politics. Furthermore, I examined the position of the Emperor Showa in the post-World War II politics.


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@SakainoWhirl 「日米協力反共の必要、駐屯軍の撤退は不可なり(重光葵の手記より:引用先PDF「後藤到人 戦後政治における昭和天皇の位置」5ページ)」 裕仁が1955年のまさに8月20日、那須で重光葵に対し、反共・在日米軍の維持を命じてから今日で67年ですね。 https://t.co/ZdCVVG8XYi https://t.co/SwFDWR8IYU
佐藤栄作が思ったより主上に人事でやらかしたりしたことをごめんなさいしていたのが面白かったので貼る https://t.co/pEuLxwQky4

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