金井 雅之
山形大学紀要. 社会科学 = Bulletin of Yamagata University. Social Science
vol.38, no.2, pp.107-128, 2008-02-15

We examine how two management policies of Japanese-style hotels in a spa resort, capital and hospitality, would contribute to improving achievement, using our social survey data. We show three findings. (1) The structure of the cause and effect between the management policy and the improved achievement differ greatly between low charged hotels and high charged hotels. (2) According to the high charged hotels, hospitality as the management concept contributes more to improving achievement than capital. (3) On the other hand, according to the high charged hotels, as the management effort, capital contributes to improving achievement rather than hospitality. Key words : social survey, cluster analysis, path analysis キーワード:社会調査,クラスター分析,パス解析


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なんとなく漁ってたら「従属変数である経営状態の改善(客数増および売上増)に対して,独立変数では,(中略)<豪華な食事>が負の有意な影響を与え」という重回帰分析の結果があっておもしろと思った。 https://t.co/n7kMnIv7sT

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