辻 竜平
近畿大学総合社会学部紀要 = Applied Sociology Research Review KINDAI UNIVERSITY (ISSN:21866260)
vol.8, no.2, pp.29-38, 2020-03-31

[Abstract]This paper examined the following hypothesis such that when the father’s social status is higher than the child’s, the child evaluates his/her social position higher than his/her own; however, if the gap is too large, the child lowers his/her evaluation. Using SSM 2015 data, fractional polynomial regression analysis was conducted. The results supported the hypothesis. Therefore, if the child is able to utilize more economic affluence, social capital, and/or cultural capital of the father, he/she may enjoy the benefits and regards his/her social status higher. However, if the gap between the father and the child is too large, the child feels embarrassed and lowers his/her evaluation of social status.


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拙著「父職と子職の大きなギャップが子の社会的地位評価に与える効果―分数多項式回帰分析を用いて―」が機関レポジトリからアクセスできるようになりました./ 近畿大学学術情報リポジトリ https://t.co/3UnD4eyZhg

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