岡本 健
近畿大学総合社会学部紀要:総社る = Kindai Applied Sociology Review : Social (ISSN:21866260)
vol.11, no.2, pp.15-30, 2023-03-31

[Abstract] The purpose of this paper is twofold: first, to clarify the nature of communication surrounding VTubers, and second, to propose methods and materials for approaching such research subjects. For this purpose, the author’s actual activities as a VTuber “Zombie Sensei” will be organized. In doing so, I will describe in as much detail as possible, including peripheral information and processes. This will provide basic knowledge for research on contemporary and intricately intertwined cultural phenomena such as YouTubers, VTubers, esports, Game streamer, Analog games, and TRPGs.
辻 竜平
近畿大学総合社会学部紀要:総社る = Kindai Applied Sociology Review : Social (ISSN:21866260)
vol.11, no.2, pp.31-38, 2023-03-31

[Abstract] How much did the evaluation of the cabinet ministers and the specialists who engaged in the control of COVID-19 affect voting behavior in the House of Representatives in October 2021? An online survey (CAWI) was conducted in late November 2021 to examine the effect. Analyses showed that 1) those who voted for the ruling parties were those who gave high evaluations of the current and former minister, 2) those who voted for the reformist opposition parties were those who gave low evaluations of the current and former minister, but did high evaluations of specialists of infectious diseases, 3) those who voted for the conservative opposition parties did not have a particular tendency but have a relatively similar tendency with those who voted for the ruling parties.
金井 啓子
近畿大学総合社会学部紀要 = Applied Sociology Research Review KINDAI UNIVERSITY (ISSN:21866260)
vol.5, no.1, pp.35-44, 2016-09-30

On May 17, 2015, Osaka City held a referendum to decide whether it should abolish the 23 administrative wards and restructure the city into several wards. Following the referendum, the author's college junior seminar students interviewed 20 members of the municipal assembly in Osaka City who belong to the Liberal Democratic Party. The author wrote a report based on the interviews and submitted it to the Osaka City branch of the LDP on September 23. The referendum was quite important because it could be used as a simulation for a possible referendum in the future by the whole nation to decide whether Japan should revise the Constitution. In this paper, the author examines how the students prepared for the interviews, how the interviews were conducted, what the interviewers and interviewees perceived the whole project, and what lessons the author learned during the process.
辻 竜平
近畿大学総合社会学部紀要 = Kindai Applied Sociology Review (ISSN:21866260)
vol.10, no.1, pp.39-48, 2021-09-30

[Abstract]The pandemic of the new coronavirus COVID-19 caused waves of infection in Japan, and in each wave, people were asked to refrain from going out and having interpersonal contacts. This paper examined what suppressed (or promoted) going out and interpersonal contact during the pandemic. The data were collected by internet survey in mid-November 2020 and recorded the situations from the first emergency declaration in April to the early stage of the third wave in November. Factors to examine were the engagement in a specific occupation, the contact possibility such as the commuting time and the personal network size, and the psychological factors such as the cultural self-concept. As a result, among the specific occupations, welfare and nursing care workers had high levels of going out and interpersonal contact during the first declaration of emergency, but the level had decreased gradually. Contrary, in the early stage of the third wave, those who worked in a restaurant without close contact with customers went out and had interpersonal contact more often. Concerning the possibility of contact, during the declaration of the first state of emergency, those who commuted by public transportation tended to go out slightly more often, and who had many friends and acquaintances tended to reduce going out. Among the psychological scales, “harmony seeking”, a subscale of the cultural self-concept scale, suppressed both going out and interpersonal contact during the declaration of the first emergency; however, the effect gradually decreased as time proceeded. “Self-expression”, another subscale, consistently suppressed both going out and interpersonal contact. Contrary, “distinctiveness of the self”, another subscale, promoted both going out and interpersonal contact in the third wave. The factors’ interpretations and longitudinal changes were discussed, and a comprehensive discussion was given in the last section.
倉橋 耕平
近畿大学総合社会学部紀要 = Applied sociology research review Kinki University (ISSN:21866260)
vol.2, no.2, pp.47-58, 2013-03

[Abstract] This article treats the conflict of revisionism in court. Especially, the object is TV program "Series JAPAN Debut" broadcasted by NHK in 2009. Why does the plaintiff take proceedings against public broadcasting? And what does the case mean? To these questions, we can point out 2 ways of consideration. One is to start by considering the aspect of institution between the principle of tort liability in civic law and Broadcast Act. Another is the considering the way and the context of appearing the standpoint of the plaintiff on the scene. In the process, we will be able to have the conclusion; the mechanism doing the invocation of legal institution to claim own history recognition, and the changing the interpretation of the neutrality in Broadcast Act to aggressive logic.著者専攻: 社会学

2 0 0 0 IR 壱岐の焼酎

戸井田 克己
近畿大学総合社会学部紀要 (ISSN:21866260)
vol.1, no.1, pp.3-21, 2011-08

[Abstract] In this paper, I would like to study the cultural position of Iki Shochu, a distilled liquor, a spirit native only to Iki Island, Nagasaki prefecture, Japan. Iki Shochu is made from barley, rice, and water, and has a tradition of over 400 years. At present, there are four Shochu brands protected as geographic indications by the World Trade Organization (WTO). They are "Iki Shochu," "Kuma Shochu," "Satsuma Shochu," and "Ryukyu Awamori." In the four production regions, distilleries of Iki Shochu are distributed most densely, and distilleries of Satsuma Shochu most sparsely. In this paper, I will first organize the historical development of the culture of Japanese Shochu manufacture, and then consider the position of Iki Shochu. Iki may be the terminal of the spread of Shochu both from Southeast Asia and the Korean Peninsula. The Southeast Asia route ran through Ryukyu (Okinawa); therefore, the Japan Current (Kuroshio) and Tsushima Current (Aoshio) played a large role in its arrival on Iki Island.
戸井田 克己
総社る: Social=近畿大学総合社会学部紀要 = Applled sociology reserch review Kinki University
vol.1, no.1, pp.3-21, 2011-08-01

[Abstract] In this paper, I would like to study the cultural position of Iki Shochu, a distilled liquor, a spirit native only to Iki Island, Nagasaki prefecture, Japan. Iki Shochu is made from barley, rice, and water, and has a tradition of over 400 years. At present, there are four Shochu brands protected as geographic indications by the World Trade Organization (WTO). They are "Iki Shochu," "Kuma Shochu," "Satsuma Shochu," and "Ryukyu Awamori." In the four production regions, distilleries of Iki Shochu are distributed most densely, and distilleries of Satsuma Shochu most sparsely. In this paper, I will first organize the historical development of the culture of Japanese Shochu manufacture, and then consider the position of Iki Shochu. Iki may be the terminal of the spread of Shochu both from Southeast Asia and the Korean Peninsula. The Southeast Asia route ran through Ryukyu (Okinawa); therefore, the Japan Current (Kuroshio) and Tsushima Current (Aoshio) played a large role in its arrival on Iki Island.
中谷 勝哉
総社る Social: 近畿大学総合社会学部紀要 = Applled sociology reserch review Kinki University
vol.1, no.2, pp.69-92, 2012-03-01

[Abstract] In the gradation between instinct and learning, human child care is placed at the pole of learning. In this study, I compared childcare behaviors among birds, mammals, and primates. While instinct guarantees childcare and survival for birds, the same is unsure for primates. I discussed some problems regarding the functioning of instinctive behavior, which does not have one-to-one correspondence between stimulus and reaction. At the same time, I discussed some factors in the evolution of primate learning, such as K strategies, the uterus-placenta system, breast-feeding, kin group, etc.. The essence of teaching and learning can be seen in chimpanzees' instrumental behaviors, in which the formation of culture can also be seen.
辻 竜平
近畿大学総合社会学部紀要 = Applied Sociology Research Review KINDAI UNIVERSITY (ISSN:21866260)
vol.8, no.2, pp.29-38, 2020-03-31

[Abstract]This paper examined the following hypothesis such that when the father’s social status is higher than the child’s, the child evaluates his/her social position higher than his/her own; however, if the gap is too large, the child lowers his/her evaluation. Using SSM 2015 data, fractional polynomial regression analysis was conducted. The results supported the hypothesis. Therefore, if the child is able to utilize more economic affluence, social capital, and/or cultural capital of the father, he/she may enjoy the benefits and regards his/her social status higher. However, if the gap between the father and the child is too large, the child feels embarrassed and lowers his/her evaluation of social status.
金井 啓子
近畿大学総合社会学部紀要:総社る = Applied Sociology Research Review KINDAI UNIVERSITY : Social (ISSN:21866260)
vol.5, no.1, pp.45-53, 2016-09-30

[Abstract] I, as a university associate professor and an ex-journalist, have appeared on several TV news and information programs as a commentator. Why are commentators necessary for such programs? There are two different types of commentators: experts such as university professors and non-experts like TV celebrities. What different roles do they play? This article centers on my experience as a commentator and analyzes roles of university professors who act as commentators by interviewing TV producers and reporters who have been in charge of producing those programs. Separately, the article also tries to find out how university professors affect their universities when they appear on the programs.
辻 竜平
近畿大学総合社会学部紀要 : 総社る = Kindai Applied Sociology Review : Social (ISSN:21866260)
vol.11, no.1, pp.51-61, 2022-09-30

[Abstract] The vaccines for COVID-19 have been developed, and vaccination in Japan began on February 17, 2021, starting with doctors and nurses, followed by those aged 65 years and older on April 12, and those aged 18 to 64 years on June 17. In this study, an online survey (CAWI) was conducted in late November 2021 for people aged 15 (excluding junior high school students) to 74. The questions included the month in which they got their first vaccination and how many of their family members, relatives, colleagues, and friends/acquaintances had already been vaccinated at the time of the shot. The data analysis of non-medical/nursing personnel under 64 years of age showed that the higher the rate of vaccinated people in the workplace or that of vaccinated friends/acquaintances, the later the timing of vaccination. I.e., peer pressure occurred in such a way to avoid taking a shot; the more people around the person got vaccinated, the later in the timing of vaccination the focal person was.
石井 隆之
近畿大学総合社会学部紀要 = Applied Sociology Research Review KINDAI UNIVERSITY (ISSN:21866260)
vol.6, no.1, pp.41-52, 2017-10-30

[Abstract] The notion of religious barriers plays a significant role in dividing many physical areas into sacred and secular spaces. This paper explores a possibility of establishing a new notion of time-related religious barriers formed by language in contrast to the ordinary space-related barriers, by focusing on a popular Japanese expression “Itadakimasu,” which is uttered by most Japanese before they eat. Moreover, I will seek for the logical descriptions of the impacts of words uttered by speakers on individuals’ psychological barriers, which I regard as a form of religious barriers in this paper. Furthermore, the paper also aims at giving principled explanation to grammatical mechanisms found in the Japanese language under the religious barrier-based framework.
金井 啓子
近畿大学総合社会学部紀要 (ISSN:21866260)
vol.1, no.2, pp.49-59, 2012-03

著者専攻: ジャーナリズム論, 本稿は、ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル日本版のコラム「金井啓子のメディア・ウオッチ」の一部を再構成・加筆したものである。
岡 宏 森川 展男
近畿大学総合社会学部紀要 = Applied Sociology Research Review KINKI UNIVERSITY (ISSN:21866260)
vol.4, no.1, pp.95-105, 2015-08-01

(Abstract) In Japan, We classify Child Abuse in four types: Physical abuse, Sexual Abuse, Neglect, Psychology Abuse. However, we haven't taken any useful measures about Sexual abuse, compared with other ones. There is one vital factor, in this issue, that we can't overlook : The Cybercrime. We can save children who are damaged by the means of internet mobile Tools. In this paper, we propose how we can protect children from Sexual Abuse.
本岡 寛子 植田 恵未 大対 香奈子 堀田 美保 直井 愛里
近畿大学総合社会学部紀要 = Applied Sociology Research Review KINDAI UNIVERSITY (ISSN:21866260)
vol.8, no.1, pp.1-11, 2019-09-30

[Abstract]In recent years, while the number of students entering to universities has continuously increased, 20 to 30% of those have dropped out before graduation (Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, 2014). Unwilling admission tends to cause maladaptation to university life. Nevertheless, some of those with unwillingness seem to improve their expectations and images about their own universities, leading to complete their courses and feeling high satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to examine the changes in the students, concerning their images and expectations about their universities, their group identity, and their adaptation levels to university life, and to clarify the relationships among these factors. We conducted a series of survey for the first-year students at three times during their first semester. Results shows that the students with high willingness to enter the university were likely to have positive images and high expectations about their university, and to show high group identity and good adaptation to university life. By the end of the semester, their enlarged social network had strong influences on their adaptations to university life through their attachment to the other university members.
田中 晃代
近畿大学総合社会学部紀要 (ISSN:21866260)
vol.1, no.2, pp.11-18, 2012-03

[Abstract] The purpose of this study is to verify whether to support citizen participation in community planning in the City Hall and study how to do it. In this study, community planning in Toyonaka has been taken up as a case study. Initially, technical assistance that the administrative staff provided to the citizens involved in community planning in Toyonaka was later to be inherited. Technical assistance is provided by the project team comprising local government officials, and business representatives give advice to citizens. Such technical support measures are likely to decline. Therefore, it is necessary to improve staff morale.著者専攻: まちづくり