山本 欣司 大橋 毅彦 永井 敦子 Kinji Yamamoto Takehiko Ohashi Atsuko Nagai
武庫川女子大学紀要. 人文・社会科学編 (ISSN:09163115)
vol.61, pp.11-21, 2014-03-31

We, the Society for the Research of Modern Culture of Kobe, have been studying the cultural formation of the port city of Kobe from various aspects. In this paper( which will form the first part of our whole research) we deliver a report on the trend of movies, theater, performing arts, fine arts and photography in the city, by scrutinizing a series of articles, Zassô-en, written by the Kobe correspondents, in the newspaper Kobe Furoku, Osaka Asahi Shimbun, issued in 1923. Through the Zassô-en articles we can see not only various incidents reported by the correspondents but also their love for their hometown, which encouraged them to plan and carry out diverse cultural and artistic events in the town. We can also find the trend of the picture houses and moviegoers in Shinkaichi, Kobe, in those days, especially the way the entrepreneurs attracted people. Concerning the theater, the articles tell us that the things gladly accepted then were comedy and Shinkokugeki.


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This academic literature describes arts & culture scenes during 1920s in Japan, making me want to time travel into the past and experience a bit. Looks really cool. https://t.co/G1H8deAa7V

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