堀 光代 平島 円 磯部 由香 長野 宏子
岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要 = Bulletin of Gifu City Women's College (ISSN:09163174)
vol.60, pp.55-59, 2010

A survey was conducted among 534 college freshmen (2008-2009, age:18-20) to investigate effects of cooking practices in home economics classes at junior high school and high school on students' cooking skills. With increasing the number of times they have experienced cooking practices, the number of students, who liked cooking and had a specialty dish, increased. Students with experiences in cooking have acquired cooking skills compared with students without experiences in cooking at junior high and high schools. We found that cooking practices at schools were quite effective on learning cooking skills for students, especially for students, who did not cook home.


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