齋藤 航
中央ロー・ジャーナル (ISSN:13496239)
vol.16, no.1, pp.71-98, 2019-06-30

Some cases of comparative negligence in contract law have found fault by the injured party in breaching a duty contemplated by the agreement. Other cases, however, have gone beyond that. They have found the injured party at fault because of unreasonable actions, despite the absence of a clear agreement.In contractual duty cases, the rationale of comparative negligence is based on the expression of the agreement of both parties. However, that analysis falters in non-contractual duty cases. Why should an injured party be required to behave reasonably in the absence of a contractual obligation? The presence of an agreement or contract is not enough to explain all cases of comparative negligence.


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今週のMVP(Most Valuable Paper)は 齋藤航『契約違反における過失相殺の法的性質(3)』 https://t.co/34GOMM8QiP (1)(2)は法制史と理論的な展開で分からず苦しかったが、(3)で判例を交えた検討が始まって少し理解できた(この時1,2が効いてきた)。 奨励金レポートの5.も良かったです

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