金井 靖 中嶋 新一
新潟工科大学研究紀要 (ISSN:1342792X)
vol.10, pp.31-46, 2005-12

This paper describes the magnetic refrigeration at near-room temperature. First, sphere of Gadolinium (Gd), 0.6 mm in diameter, was prepared as a magneto-caloric medium and the temperature change of Gd versus applied field was investigated. It was found that the linear temperature rise/fall was found for applied field. Then, magnetic circuit was designed by the finite-element magnetic field analysis. The magnetic circuit consisted of NdFeB permanent magnet, iron yoke stator, and vessel for Gd sphere, with moving stage was made as a trial. A heat-exchanger circuit using coolant was constructed with water pump and solenoid and the system was tested with regard to heat-exchanging ability. The obtained temperature change was very small due to low magnetic field applied to the Gd sphere and small Gd volume. The future work was also noted.


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