菊池 玲子
群馬県立女子大学紀要 (ISSN:02859432)
vol.1, pp.1-8, 1981-03-31

Once a world of romances was an ideal in real life. But it was denied to exist by active social situations. The goal of chivalry was so aesthetic and so fantastic that persons who were fond of its illusions gave a refuge to it in the domains of literature to complete the ideal world. The Arthurian legends which had derived from old English tradition were growing throughout the mediaeval times by degrees, and became one of the most popular materials in romances. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a poem which belongs to Arthurian literature. Romances tend to be stereotyped, because themes are narrow. There needs more than a mere fancy for a romance to live long as a genre of literature, In this poem it is the existence of the Green Knight, I think. Although a real hero for whom the author intended is Gawain and certainly he is a highly talented warrior as a member of the Knights of the Round Table, I consider that the Green Knight is more heroic than Gawain. Because the Green Knight is just a creation who is an embodiment of romantic spirit.
村田 鈴子
群馬県立女子大学紀要 (ISSN:02859432)
vol.3, pp.97-114, 1983-03-31

The purpose of this paper is to research the significance of women's universities and colleges in Japan, especially after World War II. There are 87 four-year women's universities and colleges-2 national, 8 public and 77 private-in Japan now. In the process of understanding, the writer inquired into their existence from the point of view of law and mentioned today's situation of women's universities and colleges. Then the writer pursued the problem of coeducationalism, and finally, thought about the aim of higher education for women in the future of Japan. Recently, there is a tendency to change women's higher institutions to coeducation little by little in Japan. We must inquire into the special educational purpose of women's universities and colleges which have positive significance. We must also consider about opening them for adults as institutions for a life-long education more and more. It will increase value of the existence of women's universities and colleges.
川本 桂子
群馬県立女子大学紀要 (ISSN:02859432)
vol.1, pp.100_a-91_a, 1981-03-31

Ri Munjang(李文長)wrote poems on oshies (押絵; patched rag-pictures on the screen) drawn by Kaiho Yusho, Kano Sanraku, Unkoku Togan, etc. (great painters in the Momoyama period). In order to make clear the date when each poem was written on each picture, his traces and backgrounds should be disclosed. He was captured by the armed forces of the Shimazu Clan at the time of the second invasion to Korea by Toyotomi Hideyoshi and was brought to Japan. After the short captured period in the Shimazu Clan, he was transported to the Osaka castle, the residence of Toyotomi Hideyori, son of Hideyoshi. There he played an important role in the cultural society which had a deep relation with the Toyotomi Clan and the chief leader of which was Emperor Goyozei (1571-1617). The ruin of the Toyotomis on the battle of Osaka-natsu-no-jin (1615) meant the lost of his patronage, so he wanted to go back home and arrived at Tsushima, the nearest island from Korea. But he had to stay there because of his acts and words he had already done in Japan. The sincere demands of So Yoshishige, the lord of that island, compelled him to stay there about ten years and to participate in the official affairs between Korea and Japan. His strong adhorrence to such works in the country, however, made him to go up to Kyoto at the first year of Kan'ei (1624) and to begin a cultural activity again in spite of his great age. According to my investigation, quite regrettably he died soon after that without returning to his native land.
安盛 博
群馬県立女子大学紀要 (ISSN:02859432)
vol.10, pp.107-114, 1990-03-31

マツタケTricholoma matsutake (S. lto et lmai) Singerの担子胞子は5℃の低温で60-90日間保たれたとき発芽が促進された。担子胞子の発芽促進は10℃で90日間保ったときにも認められたが, 5℃のときより促進の程度は低くかった。0℃では発芽促進が認められなかった。この発芽促進作用は日本で収穫されたどの子実体から得た担子胞子にも認められ, 産地の違いに関わらなかった。
菊池 一雅
群馬県立女子大学紀要 (ISSN:02859432)
vol.1, pp.85-91, 1981-03-31

Dans cette etude, des publications (livres et articles) sur ces travaux sont classees par ordre chronlogique et par categorie (cartographie, climatologie et geographie humaine). On peut citer, parmi les principaux travaux faits par les geographes francais, la realisation de cartes tres precises a l'echelle de 25.000^e, la cartographie a l'aide de la photographie aerienne, l'eclaircissement de la mousson, la geologie du delta, la geographie regionale, et surtout, la geographie humaine du delta du Tonkin. En outre, des etudes sur les montagnards et sur le Laos sont activement poursuivies par des specialistes francais. Il faut enfin noter que ceux-ci ont ouvert l'acces aux notions modernes de geographie.