佐々木 朋三 田代 純利 藤永 英司 石井 友章 軍司 康義
保健物理 : hoken buturi (ISSN:03676110)
vol.37, no.3, pp.208-221, 2002-09
4 10

The transfer factors (TFs) of uranium (U), thorium (Th), radium (Ra) and lead (Pb) from soil to agricultural products were determined in order to estimate the internal radiation dose to the human body through ingestion. Samples of rice, potato, onion, cabbage, mandarin orange, spinach, apple and soil were collected from various districts in Japan. After appropriate pretreatment of the samples, concentrations in the sample solutions were measured by LCP-MS (for U, Th and Pb) and liquid scintillation counter (for Ra). It was recognized that TFs were 4.9×10^-6 (apple) and 3.6×10^-4 (spinach) for U, 2.8×10^-6 (apple) and 2.3×10^-4 (spinach) for Th, and 4.0×10^-3 (hulled rice), 7.0×10^-5 (onion) and 5.0×10^-3 (hulled rice) for Pb. The TF of Ra, however, was not determined due to detection limitations. TF values obtained in the present study range from the same order of magnitude to 1/100 compared to the data in TRS364 as reported by IAEA. It was revealed that the internal radiation dose caused by the intake of uranium series radioactive nuclides through agricultural food ingestion was 16 μSv/y, where Pb was the most contributory nuclide.
五代儀 貴 中村 裕二
保健物理 : hoken buturi (ISSN:03676110)
vol.37, no.2, pp.143-152, 2002-06

This survey on daily food intake in the northwestern part (northern Tsugaru area) of Aomori Prefecture was a continuation of a previous survey conducted in the southeastern part (Sanpachi-Kamikita area) and southwestern part (southern Tsugaru area) of the prefecture. The 50 families surveyed were divided into three different groups of primary occupations: fishery worker, farmer, and "other occupations." The average total daily food consumption of the entire survey group was about 2,389 gram/day/person (g/d/p), and showed no significant seasonal variation. The consumption rates of marine, agricultural, and livestock products were around 276, 1,275 and 360 g/d/p, respectively, and were relatively constant the year around. However, the consumption rate of other products was 478 g/d/p and was slightly higher in the summer and lower in the winter. The proportions of marine, agricultural, and livestock products in total food consumption among all families were on the average approximately 12, 53, and 15%, respectively. The highest average daily food consumption recorded was 2,510 g/d/p and occurred in fishery workers' families, followed by 2,441 and 2,008 g/d/p in farming and other workers' families, respectively. The families of fishery workers showed the highest consumption of marine products among all families. The consumption of agricultural and livestock products was remarkably high in farmers' families and low in other workers' families. The foods with the highest consumption rates in the northern Tsugaru area were: (a) squid, salmon, wakame, and cod among marine products, (b) rice, radish, apple, cucumber, tomato, and tofu (soybean curd) among agricultural products, and (c) milk, egg, and pork among livestock products. Some slight but statistically significant differences were recognized in the consumption patterns in the northern Tsugaru area in comparison with those of the Sanpachi-Kamikita area and the southern Tsugaru area.
山田 純也 岡 光昭 平尾 茂一 後藤 真佳
保健物理 : hoken buturi (ISSN:03676110)
vol.43, no.1, pp.10-13, 2008-03

NRE VIIIは2007年10月7〜12日の6日間,ブラジルの,リオ・デ・ジャネイロ近郊のブジオスという海岸の美しい町で開催された。ブジオスは,リオ・デ・ジャネイロの中心地から180kmほど離れた,大西洋に突き出た半島に位置する。NREの歴史を振り返ると1963年にアメリカ,ヒューストンで第1回大会が開催され,続けてアメリカで2回,ポルトガル,オーストリア,カナダ,ギリシャでそれぞれ1回ずつ,不定期的に開催されてきた。今大会は,欧米以外での初の開催となった。日本およびアジア地域での開催が望まれる。日本からは,京都大学,日本原子力研究開発機構,首都大学東京,中央医療技術専門学校,名古屋大学,藤田保健衛生大学,放射線医学総合研究所,琉球大学からの参加があった。今大会の発表は,基調講演が13講演,Oral発表,ポスター発表がそれぞれ51,127件行われた。NRE VIIIの話題を以下に示す。