笠井 健吉
詫間電波工業高等専門学校研究紀要 (ISSN:03882926)
vol.32, pp.5-9, 2004-06-30

In the journal of "Chemistry and Education", we can see a mathematically simple and clear derivation-method of van't Hoffs Equation about the osmotic pressure. That is, from the relation of h=h' obtained mechanically, (Po-P)/dv=II/dl results in, then II=CRT is derived. But standing on the thermodynamical logic, we can not recognize the logic of derivation true. That is, the derivation-method depends on the mechanical logic only. Then in this paper, we will show that van't Hoffs Equation can not be derived without the thermodynamical logic, and that from the thermodynamical relation of (Po-P)/dv=II/dl, II=CRT and the mechanical relation of h=h' are derived against the journal's article. Furthermore, we will show that in this phenomenon, thermodynamical free energy is converted to gravitational one.