1 0 0 0 OA 老年期研究

橘 覚勝
大阪大學文學部紀要 (ISSN:04721373)
vol.6, pp.1-359, 1958-03-25

The purpose of this paper is to explain and clarify the psychological structure of the process of aging and the aged. Facts and theories concerning them in biological, physiological. and sociological fields were collected in order to confirm the structure. This investigation, therefore, was divided into the following three parts. Part I Biological research in the span of life Part II Cultural-historical survey of the conception of the aged Part III Psychological investigation in the mental structure of the aged and each part contains such articles as below mentioned: (General introduction) Part I Chapter 1 What is aging ? Chapter 2 Statistical study in heredity of the length of life Chapter 3 Demographic and geographic distribution of the aged in Japan Part II Chapter 1 Role and status of the aged in primitive culture Chapter 2 The origin and development of 'Respect for the aged' in Japan Chapter 3 Historical survey of the pious ceremony and the welfare service for the aged in Japan Part III Chapter 1 Self-consciousness in aging period Chapter 2 Color preference of the aged Chapter 3 Experimental study in maze-learning of the aged Chapter 4 Reminiscences of the aged in early childhood Chapter 5 Some results of association test on the aged by Kent-Rosanoff table Chapter 6 Results of introversion-extroversion test on the aged Chapter 7 Experimental studies in mental and physical works of the aged-including Practce effect in motor speed and strength, and Bilateral difference Chapter 8 Religious experiences of the aged Chapter 9 A study of life conception of the aged through last words Chapter 10 'Alterskunst'--Structure of Sabi-experience (Conclusion) Current trends in gerontology--including general results of above mentioned investigations In each article the essential problem relevant to aging precess and the naged was treated of with various methods--experiment, measurement and survey. In conclusion we could manifest the mental structsre of the aged as 'Unentfaltete Vielheit' (undeveloped manifoldness), corresponding to E. Stern's conception concerning the one of the childhood and adolescence. More concretely speaking, contrary to the biological and social needs for perfection and adjustment in adolescence, indifference to family and social life and retirement from it with physical and mental frustrations give rise to our so-called structure of 'Unentfaltete Vielheit' and egocentric characteristics in senescence, and we could assume such period chronologically between 65 and 75 years of age. Recently, after World War II, in every country, especially in America, the problems of aging process and the aged are becoming very serious in medicine, sociology and psychology under the name of 'Gerontology'. We must promote out investigations further and further in every branch of science as important future problem.
田中 健二
大阪大學文學部紀要 (ISSN:04721373)
vol.13, pp.1-192, 1966-01-30

Ich glaube sagen zu konnen, ein Volk offenbare in seiner Dichtung die Ganzheit seines Wesens, folglich sei die Dichtung oft der kurzeste Weg zu der uns zunachst verschlossenen Wesensart eines fremden Volkes. Man verweist heute den Literaturforscher, der mit weltanschaulichen Fragen an die Dichtung herantritt, nicht mehr auf die Zustandigkeit des Philosophen, sondern man weiβ schon, daβ Dichter und Denker, wenn auch auf verschiedenen Wegen und mit andren Mitteln, demselben Ziele, d.h. dem der Lebensdeutung zustreben. Im allgemeinen spricht der Dichter als Gestalter friiher das im Bilde aus, was der Denker dann auf abgezogene Begriife bringt. Das gilt vor allem fur das deutsche Geistesleben, wo oft der Dichter zugleich auch ein Denker ist, und fur die deutsche Dichtung, die oft auch weltanschaulichen, metaphysischen Gehalt besitzt. Wenn wir die Wesensart der deutschen Dichtung erkennen wollen, so miissen wir zu verstehen suchen, welche Denkarten fur sie bestimmend sind, und dabei die deutsche Art, die Welt und das Leben anzusehen, aus sich selbst verstehen und an dem messen, was sie selbst sich zum Ziele setzt. Die meisten Eigentiimlichkeiten des deutschen Volkes riihren von der Lage seines Lebensraums her. Deutschland ist ein Land der Mitte zwischen Ost und West, auf keiner Seite durch naturliche Grenzen geschiitzt und seit Jahrhunderten fast auf alien Seiten von Feinden umgeben. Vergleicht man mit Deutschlands Lage die vollige Abgeschlossenheit des insularen Englands, die starken natiirlichen Grenzen Frankreichs und Italiens und die ungeheuren, schwach besiedelten Steppen Ruβlands, so kann man sagen, daβ kaum ein andres Volk Europas einen derart ungiinstigen Lebensraum besitzt wie das deutsche. Solche Lage Deutschlands war seinem Wachstum zum Einheitsstaat so hinderlich, daβ es stets unter innerem Zwist gelitten hat. Geschichtlich betrachtet kann man also das deutsche bezeichnende Merkmal als ^Zerrissenheit" ansehen, woraus eine dynamische Welt- oder Lebensauffassung und darum notwendig der Zug nach einer Einheitsschau entspringt. Das der deutschen Dichtung Eigentiimlichste liegt denn auch, wie das der deutschen Philosophic, in dem Streben, jene Zweiheit, in welche die Lebenswirklichkeit immer wieder auseinanderzufallen droht, immer wieder in eins zusammenzuzwingen. Um auch nur etwas von solcher deutschen Denkart zu erschlieβen und damit das deutsche Wesen zu kennzeichnen, nehme ich in der vorliegenden Abhandlung folgende Weltanschauungen als beispielhafte fur die deutsche Wesensart auf: die organologische, die idealistische und die existentialistische, die jede ein Kapitel bilden. Und jedes Kapitel ist in zwei Teile geteilt. Erstes Kapitel: 1. Verschiedene Phasen der organischen Weltanschauung in der deutschen Literatur. 2. Organologische Erkenntniskunde bei J.G. Herder. Zweites Kapitel: 1. Idealismus als deutscher Geist. 2. Menschenbilder des deutschen Idealismus bei Kant, Fichte und Schiller. Drittes Kapitel: 1. Kampf zwischen der tragischen Weltanschauung und der theoretischen bei Nietzsche. 2. Religiositat bei Holderlin und Problem des Nihilismus bei Nietzsche. Zum Schluβ fuge ich hinzu: was mich zu dieser Abhandlung veranlafit, ist mein Herz, das mit Liebe zum deutschen Volke und mit Hoffnung auf seine Zukunft erfullt ist.
湯浅 邦弘
大阪大學文學部紀要 (ISSN:04721373)
vol.39, pp.1-45, 1999-03-10
山口 恵照
大阪大學文學部紀要 (ISSN:04721373)
vol.5, pp.143-268, 1957-03-25

The system of the Samkhya-philosophy, which is inherent in the Samkhakarika text by Isvarakrisna, is one of the most excellent of the Brahmanical philosophies (darsana). What is the essential character of that system as a system of philosophy? This point has not been perfectly cleared up until now. The system of Samkhya-philosophy as one of the Indian philosophies should not be approached, says our writer, simply as a heretical philosophy according to the considerations given to the other world philosophies. This philosophy has hitherto been taken as representing dualism, atheism, realism, etc. But such a characterization is not fair and comprehensive, says Prof. Yamaguchi, as it is too sweeping a generalization. As a matter of fact, the Samkhya-philosophy made an attempt after its own manner to give a solution to the common problems of karma, samsara and moksa that commonly pertained to all the other classical Indian philosophies. We must therefore endeavour to clarify the fundamental principles of the Samkhya-philosophy by trying to study it as a composite whole without any prejudice. Prof. Yamaguchi has here ventured a new interpretation of the Samkhya-karika through a textual criticism of it and asserts that the system of Samkhya-philosophy embodies statement, definitions and exposition of the three fundamental principles which are respectively known as vyakta (mahadadi), avyakta (prakriti or pradhana) and purusa (jna). In the present article accordingly Prof. Yamaguchi treats of his subject under the following headings: I. Introduction. II. The System of the Samkhya-philosophy and its Logic (pramana). III. Exposition of vyakta, avyakta and purusa. IV. Conclusion.
由井 紀久子
大阪大學文學部紀要 (ISSN:04721373)
vol.36, pp.A1-A29, 1996-03-15

the outer knowledge of language besides inner language factors to study it. This paper analyzes the meanings of Japanese verbs iku, kuru and miru with integration of main verbs and auxiliary verbs and expands the analysis to the process of extended and abstract usage, which contributes the study of factors in classifying the world with selected words. This paper names the independent meaning of the context Isolated System and prescribes that the meanings are represented under the influence of the context. In observations meanings are classified based on the usage of the words. Iku and kuru present abstract meaning at main verbs stage. This is characteristic of these verbs comparing yarn, kureru and morau. Semantic components <Movement>, <Source>, <Goal>, <Path> and <Direction> are set up for iku and kuru, and <Movement>, <Source>, <Goal> and additional component <<Judgement>> for miru. Abstract expansion are represented by metaphorical change of each component and emphasis of particular component. Metaphorical changes are caused by adoption of outer language knowledge in some cases.
桑田 六郎
大阪大學文學部紀要 (ISSN:04721373)
vol.3, pp.1-43b, 1954-03-25

The contents are as follow: 1. The Three Provinces (南海, 桂林, 象郡) of South China in the Ch'in (秦) Dynasty and the Nine Provinces (南海, 蒼梧, 鬱林, 合浦, 交阯, 九眞, 日南, 〓耳, 珠崖郡) of the Han (漢) Dynasty. The Shih-chi (史記) mentions the establishment of the Nine Provinces after the defeat of Nan-yueh. (南越国). According to the chronicle of Wu-ti (武帝) in the Han-shu (漢書). the Nine Provinces were established in 111 B.C. (元鼎6年), but in other chapters (地理志, 賈捐之傅) of the same book two (〓耳, 珠崖) of them were established in 110 B.C. (元封元年). The Mouling-shu (茂陵書), probably found in the tomb of Wu-ti, mentions Hsiang (象) Province. Dr. N. Sugimoto says that the Nine Provinces mentioned in the Shih-chi included the two provinces 桂林 and 象郡 rather than the two provinces 〓耳 and 珠崖郡. I think that the Nine Provinces of Shih-chi were the same as those of the Han-shu, but the Han-shu was not correct in dating the establishment of the Nine Provinces in 111 B.C. The correct dates are 111 B.C. and 110 B.C. As for the Hsiang Province, I think that it was established by Wu-ti after the establishment of the Nine Provinces, and I locate the province in the western part of Kuang-hsi (廣西省). 2. The southern frontier of the Han empire and maritime intercourse with the western countries. Huang-chi (黄支) presented a rhinoceros as tribute to the court of Wang Mang (王莽). Dr. T. Fujita identified Huang-chi with Kanchipura (Conjeveram) in South India. But I think that Huang-chih was another form, invented intentionally by the Wang Mang party, to represent of Chiao chih (交阯). 3. The founding of Lini (林邑). Dr. G. Coedes identified £ri Mara of the Vo-canh inscription with Fan Shih-man (范師曼) of Fu-nan (扶南), but their dates'are not the same, and I can not decide which is correct, Fan Shih-man or Fan Man. 4. The ancient kingdoms (扶南, 眞臘) of Cambodia. 5. Dvaravati (堕和羅) of Siam and the Pyu (驃) in Burma. 6. Hindu colonies in the Malay Peninsula. 7. Srivijaya (室利佛逝) in Sumatra. Many years have passed since I identified the Ch'h-t'u (赤土) of the Sui (隋) Dynasty with the Srivijaya (室利佛逝) of the Tang (唐) Dynasty (東洋學報 IX, 2, 1919). The Chines3 embassy sailed southward along the Malay Peninsula and saw the mountains of Lankasuka (狼牙須). Dr. G. Coedes' identification of Ch'ih-t'u with Patalung in the peninsula is not correct. The Buddhist pilgrim I-ching (義淨) does not mention the name of Ch'ih-t'u. I think that Gh'ih-t'u is the same as Srivijaya, which I-ching visited. 8. The Sailendras in Java. The mohammedans often mention the Maharaja of Jawaga, a name derived from Jawaka, but afterward used to refer to Srivijaya, when the royal family of Srivijaya became the Sailendra. San-fu-ts'i (三佛齊) is not the transcription of Jawaga, but of Srivijaya. 9. Hindu remains,in Borneo and the Celebes.