長谷川 武夫 西口 利明 具 然和 筆谷 拓 松岡 巧 田丸 政男
鈴鹿医療科学技術大学紀要 (ISSN:13416472)
vol.5, pp.169-175, 1998-03-30

本研究は西洋医学に劣らぬ利点を持つ東洋医学を基礎にして制作した足の裏にあるツボを指圧刺激する装置により, 足の裏にあるツボを刺激して特定臓器(肝臓, 肺臓, 気管支, 胃等)の血流増加と血流増加に伴う体表温度の増加をサーモグラフィー装置によって確認した。装置は足を固定する装置と足のサイズに合わせた足裏の特定部位を任意の強さで指圧刺激可能なピストン部と指圧刺激部位にピストン部が任意に設定できる位置設定部, 及び刺激時間設定のタイマー部から成り立っている。刺激部位と臓器の関係はドイツ式足裏ゾーンを用いた。一定温度(22℃)の室内に被検者を1時間安静させて後, 指圧刺激を開始した。刺激開始後10分で顔面の温度が0.3-0.5℃上昇し, 更に5分後に刺激部位に相当する臓器に近い体表温度が0.3-0.6℃の上昇がサーモグラフィー装置で観測され臓器の血流増加が示唆された。この様な局所血流の増加は副交感神経を活性化し, 全身の血流改善に伴う全身状態の改善が期待できるため, 老人社会での自宅療養に本装置は役立つと考える。
服部 厚子
鈴鹿医療科学技術大学紀要 (ISSN:13416472)
vol.3, pp.144-150, 1996-03-30

In Much Ado About Nothing tow young couples manage to get married through much ado about nothing. We can find eaves-dropping, disguises, tricks, and misinterpretations in this play. the languages of mistaken identities and misunderstandings reveal cultural and social backgrounds of speakers and receivers. Claudio is a conventional courtly lover in patriarchy. When he is deceived in a balcony scene, his fears and subconscious desires for his love manifest themselves. Reading a text with expectations and desires tempts us to make sense of "nothing".
青木 孝平
鈴鹿医療科学技術大学紀要 (ISSN:13416472)
vol.3, pp.151-165, 1996-03-30

What is "Modern land-ownership"? This problem has been disputed respectively in science of low, political economy and historical science since J. Lock and A. Smith's classical theories. For example, Takeyoshi Kawashima in Japan insists that to be bought and sold as commodity marks land-ownership in the civil revolution period. He also says it has absolute, ideal and private characters. On the other hand, Hiroshi Mizumoto and Yozo Watanabe insist that tenant-right is predominant over land-ownership in the industrial revolution period. They also say that the characteristics of modern land-ownership are to recognize the freedom to transfer and sublease tenant-right, to guarantee a long term of tenancy, and to repay the cost that a tenant spent to improve the land. The prototypes of these two land-ownership theories can be found in Karl Marx's texts. Marx in Capital Vol.3 estimated land-ownership as a permanent foundation of capitalist society. While Marx in Theory of Surplus Value considered land-ownership as a needless cancer in capitalist society. Therefore we attempt an analysis of the significance and defects of Marx's texts. and investigate the position that land-ownership takes in modern capitalist society.
青木 孝平
鈴鹿医療科学技術大学紀要 (ISSN:13416472)
vol.4, pp.3-18, 1997-03-30

We investigated critically the controversy about the so-called modern land-ownership in the last Research Reports N0.3,1996. The purpose of this following paper is to present our own positive theory about the relation between ownership and tenantship. Market economy and capital as the circulated form can't institute ownership on the land, while capitalist market economy requires the fact that the land is in the possession of someone else. And capitalist society which is a complete reproduction system transforms "possession" of the land as a fact into "property" agreed as a right. That is to say, firstly the ownership is recognized in turn from an excellent land to an inferior land by payment of the differential ground rent I, secondly the ownership on the most inferior land is recognized by payment of the differential ground rent II, and thirdly the ownership on all the land including that which nobody has cultivated yet is established by payment of the absolute rent. As a result, the land-ownership is given its own price, and has absolute, ideal and private characters like other commodities. Next, we present a theory about the jurisprudential structure of tenantship. In the capitalist agriculture, to guarantee a long term and to restrict cancelation of the contract are not necessarily the same as to protect tenantship. The cost a tenant spent to improve the land is not necessarily repaid by the owner. On the contrary, to transfer or sublease tenantship is the same as to set up the second-ownership on the land. Therefore we can conclude as follows : In modern capitalist society, tenantship doesn't change into a real right. It remains in the position subordinate to the land-ownership as a personal right.
長谷川 武夫 具 然和 鈴木 郁功 松根 秀樹 藤本 洋聖 辻本 晶州 板谷 由昭 富永 巽 田中 由子
鈴鹿医療科学技術大学紀要 (ISSN:13416472)
vol.5, pp.163-168, 1998-03-30

小型永久磁石を体表に張り付けることで, 局所血流の増加が発生し, この局所血流の改善が肩こり, 筋肉痛, 更にこれらの局所血流増加による全身状態の改善が期待できる。本研究はメガネフレームを磁気物質で作成し, 磁気フレームメガネのフレームによる皮膚圧迫からくるコメカミの痛み改善とフレーム圧迫部の局所の血流増加がもたらす全身状態(肩こり, 筋肉痛等)改善の可能性を研究した。800ガウスの永久磁石をマウス皮下5mmまで近づけると, 皮下血流は2-2.5倍の増加が観測された。血流測定にはレーザードプラー血流計を使用し, 磁石はU型(極より5mmの位置で800ガウスの磁気強度)を使用した。また, 永久磁石の極性(N極, S極)を変えても, すべての磁極方向で同様な血流増加が観測された。この事はメガネフレームに磁石を利用すれば, 磁極方向に関係なく血流増加が見られるため, フレーム圧迫による血流阻害の改善が考えられる。