今橋 理子
学習院女子大学紀要 (ISSN:13447378)
vol.3, pp.1-22, 2001
阿曽村 智子 Tomoko Asomura
学習院女子大学紀要 = Bulletin of Gakushuin Women's College (ISSN:13447378)
no.5, pp.1-19, 2003-03-31

This article aims at evaluating the performances of the New National Theater which was opened in 1997 as Japan’s first full-scale National Opera House. Evaltlation is conducted through the analysis based on the reports of surveys commissioned by the Theater for improving its management. In analyzing the reports, the author took into consideration the method applied by Baumol&Bowen in their co-authored work, P6吻7〃zing、Arts-the Economic 1)ilemma, a classical achievement in the field of cultural economics. The analysis shows that the age composition of the opera audience of the New National Theater is considerably high (49.90n average) and that the mainstream (frequent visitors) belong to the graying generation that lived through Japanis post-war high-economic growth. The inancial statements of the New National Theater seem to indicate its stable capacity to survive, mainly on the presentation of established pieces of opera, agreeable to the mainstream of the present audience. In view of the mandate of the New National Theater to promote the creation of modern performing arts, however, it is recommended that the Theater make further efforts to diversify the audience.