GOTO Toshifumi
The Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan
Orient (ISSN:18841392)
vol.39, pp.122-146, 2004

Yasna 9 forms the main part of the text known as "Hom-Yašt" (Y9, 10, and 11, 1-12), the worship of Haoma, which must have been forbidden by Zaraθuštra himself. In order to gain insight into prehistory of the Haoma- Soma cult, the text is remaining still to be studied as a main source. It is written in a standard style of Young Avestan, and its investigation will contribute to establish the Avestan grammar more precisely. This article deals with the form and use of verbs in Yasna 9:<BR>1. Preterit forms without augment: 1.1 ∂r<SUP>∂</SUP>nauui; - 2. Y 9, 15, and the augmented forms: 2.1. apataii∂n, and the antecedent past; 2.1.1. Y 9, 11 araoδat; 2.2. Y 9, 15e-h; 2.2.1.abauuat, confirming statement; 2.2.2. Avestan forms in the function of confirming the facts in the past; 2.2.3. "injunctive" as (?); Old Avestan as, ahuua; Yt 10, 9; 2.2.4. Y 9, 15h damqn; 2.2.5. upait Y9, 1a-d; - 3. Y 9, 22.23, and the subjunctives: 3.1.ae<SUP>i</SUP>biš, +baxša<SUP>i</SUP>te; 3.2. taxš∂nti, +baxša<SUP>i</SUP>te, baxša<SUP>i</SUP>ti, anh∂nte, subjunctive in the gnomic period; 3.3.azizana<SUP>i</SUP>tibiš; - 4. Y 9, 24, raosta, the resultative inj. aor.; - 5. Y 9, 5, fracaroiθe, xšaiioit; - 6. dauuq<SUP>i</SUP>θiiå Y 9, 18. - (Injunctive of the "stative" verbs n.3; Instrumental P1. 3.1., 3.3., n. 57.)