古川 翔 永登 健太 荒木 智行 前田 俊二
バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会大会講演論文集 30 (ISSN:13451510)
pp.203-206, 2017-11-25 (Released:2021-02-01)

By embedding electronic watermarks (ex. QR codes) in advertisement such as digital signage, we can get additional information through the Internet by translating the electronic watermark into URL. Usually digital images in digital signage are composed of JPEG images. It is well known that electric watermarks deteriorate deeply if we embed them into JPEG images. It results in algorithm of JPEG compression. In this study, we try two methods as follows; (1) masking effect, and (2) embedding plural electric watermarks. Then, estimation and remained problems are shown.
岩田 和也 森 幸男
バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会大会講演論文集 30 (ISSN:13451510)
pp.29-32, 2017-11-25 (Released:2021-02-01)

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the quantitative changes of autonomic nerve activity using AC electromagnetic fields. In previous research, we attempted to measure autonomic nervous activity using a Heart Rate Variability (HRV). However, due to influence of the magnetism, a correct result could not be obtained. In this research, we measured the autonomic nerve activity not affected by magnetism using measuring equipment of skin potential activity. The experiment was repeated for one subject. As a result, it was found that the skin potential level tends to rise and skin potential reflex fluctuates when magnetic exposure and after the exposure. It is thought that the blood flow was accelerated by magnetism, and the sympathetic nerve activity became dominant. However, this experiment haven’t had examined enough data regarding the researched subjects. For this reason, there is a need of gathering more data for the classification of autonomic nerve activity.