山口 作太郎 浜辺 誠 山本 勇 ファマキンワ トーシン 飯吉 厚夫
中部大学工学部紀要 (ISSN:09108629)
vol.43, pp.45-52, 2007-12

One of the superconducting (SC) applications is the electric power transmission line, and the alternate current (AC) power transmission lines are developed in many countries as the national projects. On the other hand, direct current (DC) power transmission line has many technical merits to in SC technologies. For example, short circuit current is low, we can neglect the AC loss of the SC power cables and the SC cable cost is low. Therefore, we started to construct an experimental device of the DC SC power transmission line in Chubu University from 2005 by using the high temperature superconductor. In this paper, we describe the experimental device, the first results of the experiment and its future vision of the technology and the relation with the renewable energy sources, such as solar panel and wind firms.
石川 徳久 古田 愼作
中部大学工学部紀要 (ISSN:09108629)
vol.42, pp.75-78, 2006-12

At present, Eisenman equation combining a diffusion potential difference in the glass with a phase boundary potential difference in solution-glass interface tends to have been accepted widely as a theoretical equation of pH-sensing glass electrode potential. In this paper, it is clarified that there are a physiochemical mistake of using the concentration instead of the activity to be originally used in the ionic flux equation and a mathematical mistake of applying a definite integral on the discontinuous phase. Potential equation obtained by correcting these mistakes, is the isomorphic one which is similar to the equation reported by Nikolsky, and it does not coincide with the experimental data.
イ ジェリョン
中部大学工学部紀要 (ISSN:21877408)
no.55, pp.11-18, 2020-03

近年, 世界的に高齢化が急激に進展する反面, その高齢者たちをケアする人口は減っていくと予想されている. そのため, ロボットを用いた高齢者ケアに関する研究が活発に行われている. CARESSES project はその中の一つの研究プロジェクトであり, ICT 環境内でのロボットが高齢者をケアするシステムを開発する. 本研究ではCARESSES Project の一部であり介護空間をスマート化し, 個人に合わせた日常生活の状況を分析, 理解することを目的としている. 本システムでは, コンパクトなスマート環境を用い, 高齢者の ADL(Activities of Daily Living) の情報を把握する. そのシステムにより, 人の日常生活の情報を収集する. 収集した情報を基に人の習慣を分析するシステムを開発し, 最後には人のパーソナリティ特性を求められる. そこで, 今回は高齢者ではなく大学生の日常生活のデータセットを用いて, 開発したシステムの検証を行った.
岸 健太郎 小野 博宣 山本 浩平
中部大学工学部紀要 (ISSN:09108629)
vol.39, pp.35-40, 2003-12-15

As is known, smelting dust has been reclaimed so far. But, it has the possibility of being used as a recycled material. When it is used as a substitute for cement, the amount of cement can be decreased. However, there is a problem with this; the amount of the hydroxide calcium in the concrete will also be reduced, thereby affecting the strength and the durability of concrete due to neutralization and other influencing factors. This research has clarified the reactivity of smelting dust and hydroxide calcium. First, the change over time of the amount of the hydroxide calcium in the paste was measured. Then, some basic experiments were conducted concerning fresh properties and the coagulation stiffening reaction of the concrete when some percentage of the cement is substituted for smelting dust. We have tried to detect how much the substitution addition rate affects various physical properties of the concrete.
早川 紀朱 ハヤカワ ノリアキ Hayakawa Noriaki
中部大学工学部紀要 (ISSN:21877408)
vol.48, pp.28-37, 2013-03

ニューヨークのSoHoと原宿・表参道を対象とし、住居用途(1)であるか、非住居用途(0)であるか、という住居性指標を用いて、空間的自己相関分析(Morans I)を行った。住居用途/非住居用途の空間分布の差異を、クラスター型とランダム型の分布傾向を描くことにより指摘した。複数のメッシュサイズにより検定を行い、可変単位地区問題に簡易的に対応した。住商混在用途は、住居用途、あるいは非住居用途として双方のケースを検定して、積集合を最終結果として採用し、住商混在用途の持つ両義性に対応した。結果として、SoHoにおいては、街区を越えて広く面的にランダム型であるのに対して、原宿・表参道においては、大通り沿いにクラスター型が分布し、街区の内部に向かってランダム型に変化いく階層型の分布となっていることを指摘した。両地区のような用途混合パターンを描く際、本稿で得られた知見はルールの作成をサポートし得る。Mixed-use districts are areas where people can live, work and perform in high density environments. Jane Jacobs stated the desire for mixture of use in her book "The Death and life of Great American Cities< published in 1961, and this principle is still generally accepted. However, it is not yet clear how the mixture of use can be measured, nor what types of mixed-use pattern we have. In this context, this paper aims to compare the land use pattern of SoHo in New York and Harajuku-Omotesando in Tokyo, which could both be considered as excellent examples of Jacob's theories. Moran's I is used to describe spatial autocorrelation for data sets of the two cities in several scales. Here Moran's I returns whether residential / non-residential buildings are clustered or randomly distributed. The result indicates two different directions of the mixture of use; firstly gradational transition among residential / non-residential buildings as shown in Harajuku-Omotesando, and relatively flat and uniform distribution as shown in SoHo.