佐賀 香織
城西現代政策研究 (ISSN:18819001)
vol.8, no.1, pp.47-60, 2015-03

The Junior Chamber International Japan (JCIJ) has contributed to the society ever since its foundation. It is said that the local activity of JCIJ has created the higher standard on the town planning and the urban development. It is an association which has its basis in local community for establishing the local democracy. The JCIJ's exercise in its local JCI activities has definitely changed Japanese local community. The activities consulted on the town development, the human resources development, the educational problem, and the environment problem. Is this Group a pressure group, or service organization? This article aims to clarify the biggest question of the time.In this paper, the focus is on the JCIJ role in a relationship between government and economy, i.e. the public sector and the private sector.
飯塚 智規
城西現代政策研究 (ISSN:18819001)
vol.15, no.1, pp.3-18, 2021-12

本稿は、何故、災害弱者が災害ユートピアから省かれてしまうのかを、弱者と非弱者との「違い」に着目して考察している。本稿で取り上げる災害弱者は、女性・障害者・外国人である。また災害ユートピアとは、見知らぬ人同士が友人になり、力を合わせて自分に求められる新しい役割を見出す共同体のことを意味する。しかし現実には、そうした災害ユートピアとは異なる、閉鎖的・非寛容的で同質性を求める共同体が「災害ユートピア」として出現する。そうした「災害ユートピア」の中で、女性・障害者・外国人が、どうして災害弱者になってしまうのか、また彼ら彼女らへ対してどのような対策や取組がなされてきたのかを見ていく。This paper examines why vulnerable people are excluded from the phenomena of" disaster utopia" following disasters, focusing on the difference between the vulnerable and non-vulnerable. An example of vulnerable people are women, persons with disabilities and foreigners. Disaster Utopia means a community in which strangers cooperate and work together to find new roles for themselves in times of adversity. The characteristics of disaster utopia are closing practices, non-tolerance, and homogeneity. However, the reality is that a different form of disaster utopia takes place in vulnerable groups. This paper examines how women, the disabled, and foreigners become vulnerable during times of disaster, and what support mechanisms are offered.特集:東日本大震災から10 年 災害を再考する~災害弱者・災害救助への注目 Rethinking Disasters, 10 Years Since the Great East Japan Earthquake ― Focusing on Vulnerable People and Disaster Relief / Special Feature
田中 ひとみ
城西現代政策研究 (ISSN:18819001)
vol.1, no.1, pp.25-34, 2007-03

My insist is about the New type of the judgement. Some civil judgement has theeffect to the third person who has the lawful interest with the former suit. In caseof the guarantee, the person who borrows the house at second hand, and so on.And for that, the reason in the former judgement has the effect to the third personwho has the interest with the suit.The third person is bound by the former judgement. But in the latter suit, he orshe can insist his or her own refutations.By this theory, the actual civil relations are solved consistently among the peoplewho have the interest in the case. And more, the court provides the civil dueprocess for the third person. I call this new type as derivative suit, derivativejudgement.
土屋 正臣
城西現代政策研究 (ISSN:18819001)
vol.14, no.1, pp.21-38, 2020-12

本稿は趣味縁の議論を踏まえて、文化活動を通じた社会参加が当時の政治や経済とどのように結びつき、その後いかに変化したのか、という点について明らかにすることを目的とする。分析の主な対象は、養蚕や生糸生産が盛んであり、かつ秩父困民党事件に見られるような政治活動も旺盛であった近代の秩父地方を中心とする地域である。この地域の寺社に奉納された句額(句会後に複数のメンバーによって奉納された額)を現地調査により確認した。分析の結果、経済活動に基づく俳句の創作活動でつながった人々のネットワークは、政治活動のように非常に高い公共性を帯びる可能性があることが明らかとなった。This paper examines how in pre-modern times in Japan, social participation through cultural activities was linked to politics and the economy, following a concept of hobbies connecting people and communities (shumi-en).As a result of the analysis of Haiku poetry writings at a shrine at Chichibu, it was clarified that economic activity according to networks of people connected by their creative activities of poetry were respected as a type of political process in the public arena.論文
佐藤 一郎
城西現代政策研究 (ISSN:18819001)
vol.7, no.2, pp.3-14, 2014-02

The Nikkei Stock Average peaked at 38,915.87yen on December 29, 1989, and steadily fell after the collapse of the Japanese asset price bubble, hitting a low of 7,607.88yen on April 28, 2003. Some argue that the injection of public funds into Resona Bank in these circumstances was a noteworthy and important economic policy measure that helped turn around the Japanese economy; others assert that it had the harmful effect of encouraging moral hazard among financial institution managers and shareholders. Even at present, there is no consensus. Over ten years have passed since the injection of public funds into Resona Bank in 2003. This paper surveys previous research, and through the use of additional material that has since become available, considers from a wide variety of angles the historical significance of the impact the rescue had on the Japanese economy.