竹井 成美
宮崎大学教育学部紀要. 芸術・保健体育・家政・技術 (ISSN:02858592)
vol.57, pp.15-29, 1985-03

In this study I made researches into the fiield of "consonantia (harmony)" in Boethius' work "De institutione musica" from the standpoint of the musical education.### Boethius not only makes clear the definition of "harmony", but also deals with the problem in relation to "auditus (audition)" and "ratio (reason)" in the judgment on harmony. And he deals with the view of harmony by Pythagoras, Aristoxenus and Ptolemaios, and the episode in time Pythagoras found out the ratio of harmony. In addition to these matters he deals with the difference of the view of harmony by Plato from one by Nikomachus and the factors deciding the ranking of harmony.### Especially the problem in relation to "audition" and "reason" in the judgment on harmony was taken interest in by the scholars in Ancient Greece and in Medieval Europe. So it is important to elucidate these problems in a sense of making clear the view of music in Ancient Greece and in Medieval Europe.### In the modern musical education in Japan the basic studies on "principles of harmony" are scanty. So Boethius' consideration about the field of "harmony" will give the big suggestions to the future musical education in Japan.