竹井 成美

竹井 成美

1605年に長崎のコレジョ(大神学校)で印刷されたラテン語(一部ポルトガル語とアルファベットによる日本語)による『サカラメンタ提要』という典礼書の中には、その後半部分の「葬儀のための典礼」の箇所に、点々と祈りの歌であるグレゴリオ聖歌が19曲収録されている。それらは、五本の譜線が朱色で、また当時ヨーロッパで用いられていた特殊な四角い形をした、いわゆるネウマ譜(音符)は黒色で印刷されており、いわば二重式の楽譜印刷で刷られている。まさに日本初の楽譜印刷によるものである。本研究は、以下の2つを明らかにすると同時に、グレゴリオ聖歌のいくつかをレクチャーコンサートや講演の中で一般の人々に紹介することができた。(1)今日、東洋文庫と上智大学キリシタン文庫に存在するそれぞれの『サカラメンタ提要』の原本を比較すると、例えば1曲目の「Subvenite sancti Dei」は数カ所の植字ミスと思われる箇所が判明した。また当時のゴツゴツしたネウマ譜の一つひとつの印刷工程をチェックしながら、19曲すべてを今日の五線譜に解読することができた。(2)19曲中の1つ「Tantum ergo」は、当時のポルトガルとスペインでしか歌われていなかった、いわばローカル聖歌であることを、当時のスペインの作曲家たちの作品の中から証明することができた。(3)当時の日本で歌われた可能性のあるグレゴリオ聖歌を、折に触れてレクチャーコンサートや16世紀の東西交流史をテーマとした講演の中で実際に演奏したり、CDで紹介することができた。折しも、今年は『サカラメンタ提要』の印刷から400年に当たり、なんらかの形で19曲全曲を演奏する企画をしたいと考えている。
竹井 成美 Shigemi Takei
vol.19, pp.31-42, 1982-03-31

Boethius is one of the important theorists who transmitted the musical thought in Ancient Greece to the Middle Ages's. In the Chap. 2 of Vol.1 "Tres esse musicas; in quo de vi musicae (three classifications of music)" of his work「De institutione musica (theory of music)」, he classified music into musica mundana (harmony in the macrocosmos), musica humana (harmony in the microcosmos, i. e. man), and musica instrumentalis (practical music). Not only had this classification of music been quoted heavily by later (A. C. 9-15) theorists of music, but also it had had much effects on the musical thoughts until the time of Renaissance. But, it seems that these problems have been scarcely discussed in the musical fields of Japan. This study deals mainly with Boethius's classification of music in his work「De institutione musica」and takes its contents and its effects on later musical thought in research. Especially the modern musical thoughts are very complicated. Therefore, it is very valuable in the musical studies that we try to research into the Medieval musical thoughts by Boethius's classification of music, and it can be to lead to define the music from more theoretical and systematical point of views.
竹井 成美 Shigemi Takei
no.18, pp.13-26, 1981-03-31

In this study, I have an intention of making researches into <Anicius Manlius Severius Boethius> and his work <De institutione musica>, who introduced the musical thoughts and Greek scholarship of Ancient Greece's into the Medieval world. Much of his works served as textbooks and source materials in the Medieval Society. Especially, his great work <De institutione musica> was important for the study of music, which, throughout medieval times and much later, was used as standard text in almost of christian schools and universities in Europe. He could make a great contribution to establish the traditional thinking of "music" in Europe to be a "Scientia (Learning)". This time, as the starting study I would like to clear his career and the historical, social background of his Age, and to survey his work <De institutione musica> and classify its contents according to each subject in it.
竹井 成美
宮崎大学教育学部紀要 芸術・保健体育・家政・技術 (ISSN:02858592)
no.54, pp.p55-66, 1983-09

The musical education in Japan has remarkably developed since the western music was introduced into Japan in the Meiji era. Especially in the field of musical practice, the technique of performance has made a marked advance and many world-famous players have appeared one after another. But the contents of the modern musical education in public educational institutions, especially in universities, are very scanty in comparison with them in Europe and America. For example, in the universities in Japan there is no musical faculty and the lecture on musicology is scarcely established. This fact probably seems to result from the difference of view of music. In Japan we regard music not as "academic learning" but as "art". While in Europe they regard music not only as "art" but also as "academic learning". In order to improve the musical education in public educational institutions in Japan we have to change our old view of musical education into the new one. First of all we try to make clear the traditional view of music in Ancient Greece and in Medieval Europe. In this view of music they regard music not only as "art" but also as "academic learning". It is necessary for the elucidation to study Boethius' work "De institutione musica", for his work made a great contribution to establish the traditional view of music in Europe. In this study I make researches into the relation of his work "De institutione musica" and the modern musical education in Japan.
竹井 成美
研究紀要 (ISSN:02869756)
vol.18, pp.13-26, 1981-03-31

In this study, I have an intention of making researches into <Anicius Manlius Severius Boethius> and his work <De institutione musica>, who introduced the musical thoughts and Greek scholarship of Ancient Greece's into the Medieval world. Much of his works served as textbooks and source materials in the Medieval Society. Especially, his great work <De institutione musica> was important for the study of music, which, throughout medieval times and much later, was used as standard text in almost of christian schools and universities in Europe. He could make a great contribution to establish the traditional thinking of "music" in Europe to be a "Scientia (Learning)". This time, as the starting study I would like to clear his career and the historical, social background of his Age, and to survey his work <De institutione musica> and classify its contents according to each subject in it.
竹井 成美
宮崎大学教育学部紀要. 芸術・保健体育・家政・技術 (ISSN:02858592)
vol.57, pp.15-29, 1985-03

In this study I made researches into the fiield of "consonantia (harmony)" in Boethius' work "De institutione musica" from the standpoint of the musical education.### Boethius not only makes clear the definition of "harmony", but also deals with the problem in relation to "auditus (audition)" and "ratio (reason)" in the judgment on harmony. And he deals with the view of harmony by Pythagoras, Aristoxenus and Ptolemaios, and the episode in time Pythagoras found out the ratio of harmony. In addition to these matters he deals with the difference of the view of harmony by Plato from one by Nikomachus and the factors deciding the ranking of harmony.### Especially the problem in relation to "audition" and "reason" in the judgment on harmony was taken interest in by the scholars in Ancient Greece and in Medieval Europe. So it is important to elucidate these problems in a sense of making clear the view of music in Ancient Greece and in Medieval Europe.### In the modern musical education in Japan the basic studies on "principles of harmony" are scanty. So Boethius' consideration about the field of "harmony" will give the big suggestions to the future musical education in Japan.
竹井 成美
研究紀要 (ISSN:02869756)
vol.19, pp.31-42, 1982-03-31

Boethius is one of the important theorists who transmitted the musical thought in Ancient Greece to the Middle Ages's. In the Chap. 2 of Vol.1 "Tres esse musicas; in quo de vi musicae (three classifications of music)" of his work「De institutione musica (theory of music)」, he classified music into musica mundana (harmony in the macrocosmos), musica humana (harmony in the microcosmos, i. e. man), and musica instrumentalis (practical music). Not only had this classification of music been quoted heavily by later (A. C. 9-15) theorists of music, but also it had had much effects on the musical thoughts until the time of Renaissance. But, it seems that these problems have been scarcely discussed in the musical fields of Japan. This study deals mainly with Boethius's classification of music in his work「De institutione musica」and takes its contents and its effects on later musical thought in research. Especially the modern musical thoughts are very complicated. Therefore, it is very valuable in the musical studies that we try to research into the Medieval musical thoughts by Boethius's classification of music, and it can be to lead to define the music from more theoretical and systematical point of views.