平田 忠輔
山梨国際研究 (ISSN:18806767)
no.3, pp.35-54, 2008

The aim of this paper is to envisage Chantal Mouffe's theory of politics. Her theory consists of "the political" and theory of discourse. This paper, in especial, addresses the concept of the "the political." On "the political" she refers to Carl Schmitt and said we need to "think with Schmitt, against Schmitt", by which is meant "to use his insights in order to strength liberal democracy against his critique." According to her to strength liberal democracy, we should the concept of "the political", because the social always involves conflictual moments. What political theories need is not to negate or preclude these moments -like the liberal theories, but to transform Schmittian way of solution. Schmitt solves these conflictual moments only an antagonistic, or friend- enemy way. Instead, democratic politic could employs an agonistic way. And this is the key task of conflictual plurarism and radical democracy.
二戸 麻砂彦
山梨国際研究 (ISSN:18806767)
no.3, pp.1-21, 2008

Japanese Dictionaries in Heian period has been inflected by Chinese Dictionaries. These are divided into three classes, Bushu (部首: parts of Kanji), Igi (意義: meanings of Kanji) and Jion (^pUf : readings of of Kanji) from the point of view about there search systems. These search systems were not fit for Japanese Language. And so, Dictionaries by the use of Iroha (イロハ) search system were composed in late Heian period. "Irohajiruisyo" is one of them. This study analyzes Phonetic Glosses (同音字注) in "Irohajiruisyo" edited by two volumes.