武田 光史
岡山大学医療技術短期大学部紀要 (ISSN:09174494)
vol.3, pp.67-74, 1993-01-31

TO THE READER by Bacon's secretary William Rawley when he published New Atlantis after Bacon's death is quoted here as a substitute for the synopsis of this paper : This Fable my Lord devised, to the end that he might exhibit therein, a model or description of a College, instituted for the interpreting of Nature, and the producing of great and marvellous works for the benefit of man ; under the name of Salomon's House, or the College of the Six Days' Works. And even so far his Lordship hath proceded, as to finish that part. Certainly, the model is more vast, and high, than can possibly be imitated in all things ; Notwithstanding most things therein are within men's power to effect・・・・

1 0 0 0 IR 生涯スポーツ

神 文雄
岡山大学医療技術短期大学部紀要 (ISSN:09174494)
vol.5, pp.53-63, 1995-01-31

行政機関による生涯スポーツの推進は、それなりに容認されよう。しかしながら、国民のすべてが、こぞってそれに応えているとしたら、異常である。元来、スポーツは、国民の一人ひとりが、気ままに営むべきものである。それを、スポーツ振興法等に名を借りて、スポーツの機会や条件を提供し、また、国民の健康や体力の増強に与って効力があるからといって、国や地方公共団体の管理に供するということへの、懸念が生じてくる。さらに、関係団体との接触についても懸念がある。巷間、伝わるところの"モスクワ五輪大会への干渉"である。具体的に知る由もないが、結論に至までの過程に重要な要素が含まれていたように思われる。今後も、生涯スポーツの関係団体等に対して、これと類似したケースが生じないとは限らない。公権力の介入も、充分に予想し得る。以下に、生涯スポーツ事業の系譜を纏め、対応への資料として、提供する。The promotion of life-long integrated sports by goverment administration may be acceptable, However, it would be unusual if all citizens accepted this policy by the goverment. Essentially, sports should be played, by the independent will of each person. State and local goverments, may offer people the opportunity and conditions, under the sports Promotion Law, to play sports. Their reason for encouraging people to play sports is obviously because it promotes health and physical fitness. However, this policy may also create the fear that the authorities will control people. I am also anxious about contact between Japanese sports organizations and the goverment. To cite an example, the Japanese goverment interfered, and was, I believe, responsible for the non-participation of Japanese representatives as the Moscow Olympics. I am sure that this decision was affected by the goverment. We cannot guarantee that similar situations involving various sports group. It is possible that this sort of thing will occur again ; that the authorities will intervene in sporting activities. I would like to offer an organization chart regarding life-long integrated sports as follows ; (1) Beginning-after the war. (2) An origin. (3) Adult education. (4) Pre-Olympic-games. (5) Post-Olympic-games.
岡本 基 崎山 順子 赤塚 和也
岡山大学医療技術短期大学部紀要 (ISSN:09174494)
vol.9, no.2, pp.91-104, 1999-02-26

1987年4月から1995年4月の9年間に衛生技術学科へ入学した361名を対象に,高校評点,入学試験(学力試験)成績と,入学後の学業成績,退学,留年,臨床検査技師国家試験との関係を調べた。 1)入学者総数は361名で,このうち留年者が39名(10,8%),退学者が18名(5%)であった。退学者の中には,実質入学辞退者が6名,4年制大学へ進路を変更した者が4名いたが,こうした退学者は1992年度までの入学者に多かった。 2)入学者全体では,予定卒業者,留年者,退学者の間で高校評点,入学試験成績には差がなかったが,入学年度ごとにみると,1987,1988年度は留年者が予定卒業者に比べて入学試験の総得点が高い傾向があり,逆に1991年,1993年度は予定卒業者に比べて有意に低かった。 3)高校評点は,データが入手できた1991年度以降一貫して留年者の評点が予定卒業者より低く, とくに1991年,1993年度は留年者の評点が有意に低かった。 4)留年者も含めて,一般教育科目の成績と専門科目の成績との間に有意を正の相関がみられた。 5)高校評点と入学試験成績との間には軽度の相関しかみられなかったが,高校評点および入学試験総合点は入学後の一般教育科目,専門科目の成績と高い正の相関を示した。 6)しかし,個々の入学試験科目の得点は,入学後の成績と相関しないか,軽度の相関しかみられなかった。 7)国家試験不合格者は,高校評点,入学試験総合点,一般科目平均点,専門科目平均点のいずれも合格者に比べて得点が低かったが,有意差はなかった。以上の結果から,短期大学部開設当初は留年者,退学者の中に予定卒業者より学力のある学生がいたが,年を追うごとに入学者の学力が均質化し,学力が不十分なために留年する学生が多くなってきていると言える。一般教育科目の成績と専門科目の成績が強い正の相関を示すことは,1年次の成績がそのまま2,3年次の成績に反映されることを示しており,入学当初の動機付けと勉学意欲の喚起が重要なことを示している。高校評点や学力試験の成績は入学後の成績とよく相関しており,学生選抜の有効な指標であると考えられたが,各入試科目との相関は乏しかったことから,個々の試験科目の問題内容については改善すべき課題があると思われた。The correlation between the school record in high school, result of entrance examination and the academic record, failure in promotion and withdrawal from school was examined in 361 students entered into department of laboratory technology from 1987 to 1995. 1) Thirty-nine students (10.8%) had failed in promotion, and 18 students (5%) had leaved from the school. The reason of withdrawal was refusal in 6 cases, and 4 students had changed their course to other universities. These cases were more frequent in the period until 1990 than in the period after 1991. 2) There were no differences in the school record in high school and the result of entrance examination among students who graduated scheduled period of attendance (regular students), those who failed in promotion, and those who had leaved the school. However, the students whofailed in promotion had got higher score in entrance examination than regular students in 1987 and 1988. In contrast, regular students had got higher score in entrance examination than the students failed in promotion in 1991 and 1993. 3) The school record in high school could be cheked during the period from 1991 to1995. In thisperiod, the students failed in promotion had got lower score in high school than regular students. Especially, the difference was significant in 1991 and 1993. 4) There was a significant positive correlation between the results in examination of general subjects and those in examination of technical and proffesional education. 5) The school records in high school had relatively weak positive correlation with the results of entrance examination. In contrast, both the school record in high school and result of entrance examination had clear positve correlations with both the results in examination of general subjects and technical and proffesional education. 6) However, the result of each subject of entrance examination, i.e. Japanese, Mathematics, English,and Science, had no or weak positive correlation with both the results in examination of general subjects and technical and proffesional education. 7) The students who had not passed the national examination of laboratory technologist had lower score in school record in high school, entrance examination, examination of general subjects and technical and proffesional education, but the diffenreces were not statistically significant. The results of the study indicate that there were students who failed in promotion or leaved school despite their excellent ability during four years following the establishment of School of Health Sciences, but thereafter the ability of students gradually became homogeneous and increased the students who failed in promotion because of insufficient ability. The highly positive correlationbetween the results in examination of general subjects and those in examination of technical and proffesional education indicate that the results of examination in the first year were directly reflected in the results of examination in second and third year, and that it is important to encourage the students's motivation and volition to study with ardor immediately after the entrance. The positive correlation of school record in high school and result of entrance examination with academic record after the entrance implicate the potential usefulness of school record in high school and result of entrance examination in determining the eligibility to enter the school. However, it is desirable to improve the subjects and problems of entrance examination because the result of each subject of entrance examination was poorly reflected in the academic record.
渡辺 久美 近藤 益子 太田 にわ 池田 敏子 前田 真紀子 太田 武夫
岡山大学医療技術短期大学部紀要 (ISSN:09174494)
vol.8, no.1, pp.85-90, 1997-09-10

2週間の特別養護老人ホームの実習前及び実習後の学生の老人イメージを20項目の尺度を用いて調査した。その結果,以下のことが明らかになった。 1. 実習後のイメージの平均得点は,「ユーモアのない」から「ユーモアのある」へ,「生気のない」から「生気のある」へと好ましい方向へ上昇し,一方「経験に富む」,「穏やかな」,「現実的な」は好ましくない方向へ変化した。 2. 3分の1以上の学生が実習後に特にイメージが変化した項目として「ユーモアのない/ユーモアのある」の項目をあげた。 3. 老人像は全体として「暇な」,「弱い」,「孤独な」という否定的な老人イメージと「経験に富む」,「暖かい」という肯定的イメージで捉えられており,このイメージは実習前後で共通していた。実習前後では全体として老人像に大きな変化はなかったものの,実習によって,より活動的な老人イメージを抱き,より現実的に老人をとらえていることが明らかになり,A園での老人看護学実習は教育上意義のある実習であると評価した。This study investigated how nursing students perceived the elderly living in a nursing home for the elderly. Testing was done both before and after they experienced a two-week nursing practice at the nursing home. Three findings were obtained. (1) The students regarded the elderly not only as more humorous and vital but also less experienced, peaceful, and realistic before than after experiencing the practice. (2) Over a third of the students named humorous/not humorous as an item for which they experienced a marked change in image of the elderly. (3) The students generally regarded the elderly as being experienced, warm, bored, weak, and lonely. The findingsindicate that the nursing practice provided the students with an opportunity to form better and realistic images of the elderly.
猪下 光
岡山大学医療技術短期大学部紀要 (ISSN:09174494)
vol.8, no.1, pp.69-76, 1997-09-10

本研究の目的は,臨床看護婦の離職の実態と離職願望およびその背景因子との関連性について実証分析を行うことである。2箇所の地方都市の公立病院で働く看護婦582名を対象として,離職と転職の意志と理由ならびに個人要因と職場要因についての調査を実施した。その結果,次のような知見を得た。 1) 地方都市の大規模公立病院で働く看護婦の8割が卒業後ずっと同じ病院で勤務していた。 2) 実際の離・転職者は調査対象者の約15%であり,その7割を20代が占めた。 3) 20歳代の離職には2つの理由が見られた。一つは結婚・出産および家族の世話による離職であった。職業と家庭の両立は困難と考えていた。もう一つは未婚の看護婦による他の看護職への転職であった。 4) 約6割が離職願望をもっていた。離職願望の背景として,仕事要因と個人要因および年齢的な特徴が見られた。すなわち,20代では自分の適性や能力への不安。30歳代では子育てと労働条件の負担。40歳代以降では健康上の理由であった。しかし給料との関連は低かった。 5) しかし地方都市の公立病院においては離職者は減少傾向にあり,就労形態は「若年短期未婚型」より「中高年継続就労型」へと以降しているものと考えられた。The purporse of this study is finding existing situation and those reasons of nurses who would resign or desired to resign from their jobs. A survey was conducted to 582 nurses in two public hospitals located in the province. The following results were obtained. 1. 15% of all the target nurses would segign soon. 70% of which was in age of twenties. 2. There were two main reasons of resignation among nurses in age of twenties. One was getting married, having child or family care ; they felt it is difficult to continue both their working life and family one. The other was they were planning to be qualified for another nursing professional. 3. 60% of all the target nurses desired to resign from their jobs. 4. The reason was different by age group. Each had own reason ; Anxieties for their aptitude and ability as nurses in the twentie, responsibility for their children and family menbers in the thirties, and anxieties for health in the forties and fifties. But amont of salaries did not affect their disire.
中西 代志子 池田 敏子 徳永 順子
岡山大学医療技術短期大学部紀要 (ISSN:09174494)
vol.3, pp.63-66, 1993-01-31

We introduced the method of the experiential learning of eyesight-screening into the area of a sense organ practice in order to research on how it could influence the students' understanding of psychology of the patients suffering from eyesight trouble and the ways of their helping the patients. As a result, we came to the conclusion that the introduction of the experiential learning by using eyemasks was quite effective in understanding patient psychology and in helping the patients psychologically. We could find out the remarkable effects in understanding the necessity of helping the patients as well as the ways to help the patients.